The Date is Set

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When I woke up the next morning, my brain was foggy, so at first I thought I had dreamed the night before. I sat up & stretched as I got out of bed, then stood up & pulled on my jacket. I slipped on my shoes before I headed out of the bedroom. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself & brush my teeth, then came out & almost ran right into Demi.

"Sorry." I said, stepping out of her way so she could go into the bathroom. "I'll be ready to take you home when you're finished in there."

"I was just going to take an Uber." Demi said, going into the bathroom.

"Demi, you don't need to take an Uber. I can give you a ride home."

"Fine. I'll be out in a few." Demi closed the door & I headed to the kitchen, where I found Tucker.

"You want some coffee?" He asked.

"Hell yea. Thanks. You're a lifesaver, man." I chuckled.

I watched as he poured a cup for each of us, then poured a third cup. "In case Demi wants a cup." He explained, with a smirk. "Listen, I'm gonna shower, so make sure you lock the door when you leave." Tucker said as he grabbed his cup, then he walked past me.

"You got it."

I sat down on the stool beside me & sipped at my coffee, waiting for Demi to come out. When she did, she came to the kitchen & saw the coffee Tucker had poured for her. "Do I have time to have some coffee before you take me home & never talk to me again?" Demi asked in a bitter tone.

I rolled my eyes & let out a breath. "You can drink your coffee." I said, before taking a sip of mine. Demi drank her coffee, looking annoyed. "What are you pissed about? You're the one..."

"Don't you fucking say it, Nick. All I did was be honest with you & tell you how I felt. I did exactly the same thing you did after we slept together when I was with Joe."

I went to speak, but stopped & pressed my lips together. I watched her for a moment, then spoke. "It was a little different because you weren't technically with Joe... or shouldn't have been. I've been with Beth for a year & you're friends with her, so it isn't the same thing.... but... you have a point, anyway. You were being honest with me, like I had been honest with you & I shouldn't be mad, but I feel like you were intentionally trying to get me to dump Beth for you."

Demi put her mug down as she shook her head. "I swear that isn't what I intended. I hate that you think I'd do that. And I hate that you think we can't be friends anymore."

"Fine, Demi, you didn't do it with bad intentions. I believe you. And we have to still be friends, because if we suddenly weren't friends, Denny & Beth would ask questions & it could come out. So let's just move on & know that I probably won't be alone with you all that much."

"You have no reason to be afraid to be alone with me." She clicked her tongue & rolled her eyes. "I'm not sorry that I admitted my feelings, ya know? I'm glad it's out there & now we have no more secrets. I understand you're with Beth & I know I need to move on." She lifted her mug again to sip at the coffee, watching me over the rim. I felt like she wanted to say more, but was choosing not to & I let it be.

I watched her a moment, then leaned forward on the counter. "Demi, why did Hunter break up with you?"

Demi scowled at me as she swallowed the coffee that was in her mouth. "I told you.. I don't really know..."

"Demi..." I said, eyeing her, suspiciously.

She groaned & sighed at the same time. "Fine. When we drove home on Christmas, I was quiet & he kept asking me what was wrong. We got back to my apartment & he wouldn't let it go. I finally told him that I was a little upset about you & Beth getting engaged. He got mad & then we started fighting & I admitted I was in love with you & then told him we had sex a year ago & he got mad & dumped me since I never told him."

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