Mr. Right

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The two weeks after Demi's birthday party, I started to see less of her because she was spending so much time with Nate. I'd see her at the gym since she hung out there more often, spending time with Nate as they worked out together. One afternoon, I walked into the gym & saw them making out in a dark corner near the punching bags. I was annoyed since I was wanting to use the bags that day. Okay & they weren't really making out, he was just kissing her as she stood against the wall, but the kiss was passionate, so it wasn't what I wanted to see. I headed to the locker room & sat down on a bench, hoping that when I left the room, they'd be done making out.

I heard the locker room door open, then saw Nate as he walked toward the locker across from me. "Hey, Nick. How's it going?"

"Good." I replied, looking down at my feet, pretending I needed to tie my shoe.

"Hey, man. Want to spar with me today? I've been asking everyone & no one wants to. Demi offered, but I wouldn't want to hurt her. Well... unless it's something she was into I guess. And then I'd rather it be in the bedroom." He chuckled & I looked away, confused as to why he would say such a thing to a guy who he knows is Demi's best friend. I knew he lacked some intelligence, but he was just being downright stupid, at that moment. I wanted to spar with him, so bad, just so I could punch his fucking face. I struggled with myself, internally, as I debated on whether or not I should get in the cage with him.

"You know what? I would like to spar with you. Give me a half hour to warm up, then I'll meet ya in the cage." I looked up at him as he grinned. He had no idea how bad I wanted to pummel his face & I hoped for his sake, I calmed down in the next thirty minutes.

"Fuck yea! See ya in there!" Nate slammed his locker door shut & smiled before he walked out.

I sighed, then put my stuff in a locker. I headed out & Demi was nearby so she waved, then jogged toward me. "Are you really getting in the cage with Nate?" She asked, grinning.

"Yea, he was looking for someone to spar with, so I volunteered." I shrugged, looking around the gym.

"You know he's not that good, right?" Demi asked as she leaned in to me & lowered her voice.

I let out a chuckle & smirked down at her. "I'm a beginner, too."

"No you aren't. You are a fucking marine & you have been doing this for a few years. Just go easy on him. Don't embarrass him too much, please."

I rolled my eyes & chuckled. "What do you see in him?" I asked, my eyebrows knitted together.

Demi bit her lip & looked up, thoughtfully. an expression that physically caused an ache in my chest. "I don't know. I'm just having fun. He's hot & sexy as fuck." Demi looked across the room to where Nate was hitting a bag & she sighed. "He's just a substitute until Mr. Right comes along." She shrugged then looked up at me. "When are you going to start looking for Ms. Right?" She asked, poking my stomach.

I sighed as I stared into her eyes. "I already found her." I stated, in a soft voice.

Demi's eyes got big for a moment, then her lip came out. "You need to move on."

She had no idea I was talking about her & I wanted to tell her, but then Nate called her name & she went running to him. I was mad at myself for letting my feelings come out, anyway, when I was trying to keep them buried. I couldn't take us down that road again. Or could I? It could be different this time. Beth's face flashed in my head at that moment & I was overcome with guilt. I shook my head then headed to the speed bags on the other side of the gym. Beth hadn't been gone half a year yet & I was thinking about moving on with my best friend? What kind of guy was I? The kind of guy who needed a few blows to the face, apaprently. Good thing I was getting into the cage that day.

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