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As the days turned into nights & the nights turned into days, it did get easier to get over the pain from losing Beth. Demi was a big help in that area & I was grateful. Demi & I spent almost every day, in June & July, either talking or hanging out. She wasn't seeing that brother of her friend anymore, because he wasn't doing anything for her. I was happy because that meant no one was distracting her from me. We spent so much time together, it brought us even closer than we had been before. We did so much together. We went to the beach, went hiking, went driving, went to the gym & nearly every night we had dinner together.

As August approached, I decided I wanted to do something big for Demi's 25th birthday that was on the 20th of that month. I owed her so much & wanted this birthday to be a big deal for her. I got together with Denny & he helped me organize a guest list, then he was in charge of inviting people. I invited some people from the gym, including Tucker, & Denny also invited a bunch of his dancer friends, as well as all her friends from work. It was going to be a surprise party, so no one was telling her. Her parents were going to be there, as were other members of her family & I invited my mom, too.

I hired a caterer, a DJ that was doing some karaoke, too, since Demi loved singing & I was in search of a place to have it. I hired a party planner, Jessica & she spent a day showing me places that I could have this shindig. The last place she took me to was perfect. As we walked into the beautifully lit room, I knew it was the place. I spun around looking at the surroundings. I could picture the dance area, the tables set up, the food tables, the photo booth & the bar. I smiled, broadly at Jessica. "This is it. Book it for August 19th, please."

Jessica nodded & went to talk to whoever was in charge. I couldn't wait to surprise Demi with this party. It was making me happy to be doing this & I knew she'd be glad. I was missing Beth, still, but the pain, in my chest, was dimishing more & more, as time went on. The memories of Beth weren't as frequent since most of her, was wiped from my apartment. Even my dreams were different, now. I wasn't dreaming of Beth as much as I used to. I also still wasn't dating or even wanting to talk to any girls. Demi, Denny & Tucker all were trying to get me to at least go on a date, but I wasn't ready. I still felt like I would be cheating on Beth, even if she'd been gone for months.

The Monday before Demi's birthday, her & I were at the beach, sitting on a blanket after we had dinner at a nearby restaurant. "So your birthday is this weekend. You got any plans?" I asked, leaning back on my hands & watching the water as the sun was setting & making the sky look like a painting.

I heard her click her tongue, so I glanced at her as she crossed her legs & turned to face me. "No. Actually, no one has even mentioned it. My mom... my dad... my brother... my friends... no one. It's like they've forgotten. You're the first one to say anything."

"Well, good. I'm glad you don't have plans. I want to take you out Saturday. Some place fancy."

'You don't have to give me a pity party. I'm sure I'll find something to do."

I sat up & leaned on my knees. "Demi... It's not pity. That's why I asked what you were doing. I want to do this. I'm going to take you to a fancy dinner where we have to get all dressed up. This is your 25th birthday & that's a big deal."

"Fine. We'll go some place fancy." She said with an eye roll & a sigh. "I don't even have a nice dress. I haven't gotten dressed up, lately."

"I'll take you shopping. We'll go tomorrow after work." I smiled at her.

"I can buy my own dress, but thanks for offering."

"I want to do this for you. I want to buy you a dress & I want to go with you to help you pick it out. Please don't argue with me, because I missed out on several of your birthdays while I was overseas, so this will be making up for it." I let my legs fall so I was sitting cross legged, too.

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