Day One (Final Chapter)

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After Demi & I made love, in the wee hours of Christmas morning, we didn't say a whole lot. We kissed, gazed into each other's eyes or ran our fingers over each other's skin. The moment was absolutely perfect & didn't need conversation. We dozed off, at some point, just as the sun was coming up, then I woke up when I heard one of our cell phones ringing. It stopped before I could wake Demi, but she started to stir beside me, anyway. She was on her stomach, her head turned away from me, so I turned on my side & started kissing her bare back that was exposed. She groaned as she stretched, then turned her head toward me, but not opening her eyes. 

"Merry Christmas, Beautiful." I murmured, leaning to kiss her cheek.

Her eyes may have been closed but an adorable smile made her lips look inviting. I moved to kiss them, tenderly, forcing her eyes to flutter open when I pulled away. "It is the merriest of Christmases." She said, her voice raspy & sexy

"Yes, it is." I put my hand on her hip as I laid down, facing her, our bodies inches apart. "I feel like I'm dreaming, I'm so happy." I said, making her smile. "I don't want to wake up."

"You're not dreaming."

"I don't know... this feels like a dream." I murmured, closing my eyes for a moment as I sighed. Suddenly, I felt a pain on my chest, more specifically, my nipple, so I let out a yelp.

"See? That wouldn't have hurt if it was a dream." Demi was grinning at me, since she had just twisted my nipple, really hard.

As I rubbed my nipple & glared at her, I was still smiling. "Thanks for proving I wasn't dreaming."

"Anytime." She said as she climbed out of bed.

"Where you going? I thought we could cuddle a little more... or do some other stuff. We don't have to be at your parents until 2."

She turned around as she closed the robe she had put on. "I have to pee." She smirked before she skipped from the room.

I sighed, smiling bigger than I had been & laid down on the bed, one arm under my head. With my other hand, I continued rubbing my nipple, since it still stung, but I loved feeling it, because it reminded me that this was real. All of it was real. Demi & I were together & nothing was going to come between us again. I heard a phone ringing again & realized it was Demi's. I didn't want to answer it or even look at it, because I was basking in this moment & didn't want anything to ruin it. Demi came into the room, a moment later. "Your phone was ringing." I said as she came to the bed, slipping the robe off her shoulders. She glanced down at her phone, then touched it with her finger, before she climbed into bed & cuddled up against me. "Who was it?"

"No one important." She said, kissing my chest, making sure she showed my swollen nipple some attention. "I must have pinched it hard. It's really red. I'm sorry." She said, sticking her lower lip out.

"It's okay. I've dealt with worse pain."

Her lip came out even further as her eyes got wide. "I'm so sorry, Nick." She laid her head on my chest & put her arm around my middle.

"It's fine. Now. So who was it that called?"

"Why do you want to talk about who is bothering us on day one of our love story?" She asked as her hand moved down to my manhood & ran down the length of it.

"Why are you being cute & trying to change the subject?" I questioned, as I chuckled.

"I just want to concentrate on us. We have a few hours before we have to get ready to go to my parents." Her head popped up as she inhaled, quickly. "Speaking of which... are we going to tell everyone we're together? Like should we announce it when we get there? Or tell them all later while we're sitting down to eat?"

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