Having Fun

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I started laughing, mostly because I was nervous but also because I found it hilarious that as a grown man I got caught in a compromising position with a girl. Instead of a significant other or a parent catching me, it was my best friend, roommate with her boyfriend that caught me with my pants down.

Lexi didn't seem embarrassed as she kept her nakedness covered. "Didn't realize you two would be back so soon." She laughed.

Demi's eyebrows went up. "Clearly." She let out a laugh, but I saw irritation in her eyes. "The restaurant was too crowded so we got fast food." Demi explained as she took Joe's hand. "We'll go to my room & let you two get dressed." Demi pulled Joe toward her room & as Joe passed me, he gave me a nod of approval.

I looked at Lexi & as soon as we heard Demi's door shut, we both bust out laughing. "Are you gonna be in trouble?" Lexi smirked as she started gathering her clothes & I pulled my pants up.

"Funny. I'm sure she will just tell me to take it to the bedroom next time." I shrugged, then put my shirt on. I walked Lexi to the door. "I guess I'll see you at your party tomorrow night."

Lexi leaned toward me & nodded then placed her lips on mine briefly. "Definitely. Maybe we can finish what we started."

I smiled. "Hope so." I closed the door after she left, then headed to my room. I could hear Demi & Joe talking, loudly, & since I couldn't make out what they were saying, I put my earbuds in & laid on my bed with my phone to do some reading online. I ended up falling asleep & didn't wake up until morning.

I came out of my room & went to the bathroom, taking note on how quiet it was. I soon discovered I was alone in the apartment. I made myself something to eat, then sat down to watch tv. I heard the back door being unlocked about an hour later & looked into the kitchen just as Demi was coming in. I was relieved she was alone. I stood up & she saw me, making her nearly jump. "Well, at least you're dressed this time." She said, snidely as she sat a bag down on the kitchen counter.

"Yea, about that. I am really sorry. I guess I just got carried away & didn't even think about anyone walking in on us." I said as I walked toward the kitchen.

"You're forgiven." She said, sounding annoyed. "What's going on with you two, anyway? Are you dating? Fuck buddies? I mean you were fucking before you even had a first date. Is that what you're into these days?"

"Well... we didn't exactly fuck."

Demi whipped her head around to look at me with her mouth open. "We interrupted you guys huh? That sucks." She smirked as she leaned one hand on the counter.

"I mean we got off..." I chuckled, then looked down. "We were just about to... you know... when you guys came in."

"So you were getting a blowjob. Great." Demi threw her hands up. "I hope you cleaned that shit up." She crossed her arms, looking irritated & disgusted. I was hoping it was a jealous reaction, but I didn't think it was.

I smirked, shrugging a little. "She took care of the clean up."

Demi's face contorted with disgust as she put her hands up in front of her face. "Oh God, don't say another word. Next time just take it to the bedroom."

I choked on my spit, since I predicted Demi would say exactly that. I knew my best friend better than she knew herself. "Sorry. I will. I promise. If there is a next time."

Demi went to the fridge to get a water. "Why wouldn't there be a next time?"

"I don't know. I mean I have no idea what's going on with us. It just kind of happened, suddenly & I was horny, what can I say? You're right, though. I should at least go on a date with her before I fuck her."

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