Piece of My Heart

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"You're jealous of Beth?" I asked, my voice cracking as I leaned to set my cup down. "Why?"

"She's part of this dynamic between my brother & my best friend & even my mom. I feel so left out & I have to admit... I'm really hurt. I feel betrayed by the people I love." Demi stuck her lip out & I rubbed her shoulder with my hand. I was relieved that this was her response. I didn't want her to be jealous of Beth for any other reason because that would definitely cause trouble.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that they weren't telling you anything. I swear. Now, you can be included, though." I gave her a playful smile & she rolled her eyes then grinned.

"I guess it's stupid to be jealous of her for that. It isn't her fault. I mean you guys love me more than her, right?" She smirked & I pressed my lips together, then she smacked me so I laughed.

"Yes, I love you more. You're my family." I shoved her a little. "So have you dated anyone since Joe & please don't tell me you got back together with him."

Demi made a face & shook her head. "I would never go back to him... but you might enjoy this story I heard about him." Demi got excited as she turned to face me. "I heard from one of the girls at work that he was caught with a 16 year old girl & they are trying to cover it up & not let it get out into social media. But I have a feeling it will be news within the next few weeks."

"He's a pig. I'm so glad you're rid of him."

"Me, too. And I actually did meet a guy last week. We're going out on Saturday." Demi leaned on the back of the couch & smiled, biting her lip. I saw the twinkle in her eye as she started telling me about him & I wasn't even jealous. I was happy for her. "We met at the Starbucks that I go into, all the time. It's right by my office. I've seen him in there a few times but the other day we ended up in line together. He was behind me & he started talking to me & then paid for my coffee... He's super sweet. He's an accountant at some agency in a building near there. Anyway, we'll see what happens." She shrugged then reached for her coffee.

"I'm happy for ya. Maybe we can do a triple date sometime." I laughed & Demi almost choked on her coffee.

"Oh God... let's not jump the gun. We haven't even gone on a first date yet."

"Okay. Whatever you say. So. Have you met Lydia yet?"

"Yea, I have. A few times, actually. I love her. She's so sweet & I love seeing my brother so happy."

"Me, too. They're pretty cute together." I let out a chuckle as I played with the fringe on my jeans.

"You & Beth are pretty cute together, too." Demi grinned over her cup.

"You saw us for like a minute." I looked at her with my eyebrows together.

"But you're cute. She's really pretty. She definitely looks like a dancer. Her legs are to die for." Demi chuckled.

I nodded, smiling. "Yes, her legs are great." I licked my lips, almost instinctively.

Demi groaned, quietly. "TMI."

Her & I both laughed. "I'm ready for cheesecake. How 'bout you?"

"Yea, I think I have room now." Demi said getting up.

We ate dessert & kept talking, well into the night. Time got away from us. I finally left when I realized it was almost midnight. I gave Demi a hug goodbye & headed out. When I got to my car, I checked my phone, which I had put on silent before I got to Demi's door. I had a few texts from Beth, wanting me to stop over after I left Demi's. I smiled, thinking maybe she was actually jealous & had been pretending she wasn't.

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