Friends Forever

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I found Demi in the kitchen, standing in front of the stove & she jumped when she saw me. "You okay? You ran off like you were upset about something. I guess I'm paranoid that you're upset about me & Beth getting engaged." I said, watching her face, closely.

Demi nearly choked on a laugh & I had a hard time telling if it was real or forced. "No, I'm not upset. I just remembered I had something in the oven." She pulled on an oven mitt & lifted her eyebrows in an amusing fashion. I watched as she opened the oven & pulled out some sort of casserole, then put it on the top of the stove. "I mean it's fast... but I'm happy for you guys. I think Beth is amazing. I adore her & now she will be your wife..." Demi looked down at the casserole & blinked a few times. "She will be like my sister instead of just my friend." Demi smiled, glancing up at me, before looking away again. She pretended to be looking for something or she was really looking for something, I couldn't tell.

"I know it's fast... but when you know you know. Besides the fact that I know how short life is & I don't want to waste any time. I love her, so why not? I fall in love with her more every day & I know in my heart she's the one."

"Well then. Congratulations" Demi said, laughing a little as she came to hug me.

"Thanks. Do you need any help in here?" I asked, looking around.

"No, everything is done. So. Now that she's your fiance, does that mean you'll go to New York with her on New Year's eve?"

I shook my head as I leaned on the counter. "She's going to be too busy with the Dick Clark rockin eve show she's performing in & then the Broadway show the next day... I wouldn't be able to see her so there's no point." I said, crossing my arms. Denny, Lydia & Beth all worked for the same dance company & they were going to New York for New Year's eve so they could be backup dancers for one of the performers. Then the next day, their company was putting on a special production for kids, at a theater on Broadway. "You still gonna come to the party at Tucker's? Or did Hunter find something better for you to do?"

"No, we're still going." She said, quickly. "Okay, now I need to go check out this ring." Demi smiled, walking past me to head back outside.

The rest of the day, Demi seemed fine & I stopped wondering if she was really okay. I enjoyed the congrats I heard throughout the day & I loved seeing Beth so happy when someone came to see her ring. It was a great holiday, for sure.

A few days later, two days before New Year's eve, Beth was packing for her trip to New York & I was attempting to help her. Mostly, I was just watching her as I laid across her bed. "I can't believe we're not spending New Year's eve together." I sighed.

"I know. But I'll be back on the second & we'll celebrate then." Beth said, as she walked from her dresser to the suitcase on her bed.

"Yea. We won't even be talk when it's midnight here, because you'll be in bed because of the time difference."

"Maybe I'll wake up." She puckered her lips & stuck them out at me, flirtatiously.

"Don't bother. The lines are always tied up anyway. I'll probably be drunk as fuck since I'll be at Tucker's. At least he's single again so I won't have to be a third wheel to Demi & Hunter." I smirked as I got off the bed.

"Oh wow... you must not have heard." Beth said in a quiet voice as she faced me, her hands on her hips.

"Heard what?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders.

"Hunter broke up with Demi the day after Christmas." Beth stuck her lower lip out for a moment, then went back to organizing her bag.

"What? Why?" I was shocked since Hunter seemed to be so in love with Demi on Christmas day.

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