Catching Up

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"Demi... hey. How are you?" I stumbled, nervously, over my words.

"I'm pretty good. Gosh... it's been a while. Your hair got longer."

"Yours got shorter." I smiled, sheepishly.

Demi nodded, looking around & shifting on her feet. "How long's it been?" She asked, looking me directly in the eyes, letting me know she knew exactly how long it had been. She was upset, I knew that much. Even though, I hadn't seen her in half a year, I still knew when she was upset.

" has been a long time. Six months or so."

"Right. I guess since I haven't heard from you, that means you're not over me?" She tilted her head & pursed her lips.

"Did you find the wine you were..." Beth came toward me, then saw Demi & stopped walking & talking. "Oh my God... Demi." Beth exclaimed, holding out her hand. "It's so nice to meet you, finally."

Demi looked confused as she reluctantly shook Beth's hand. "Um... who are you?" Demi asked, shaking her head, slightly.

Beth let go of Demi's hand & glanced at me as she chuckled. "Oh how stupid of me. You & I haven't been introduced yet. I'm Beth."

"Beth is my girlfriend. She dances with Denny & Lydia." I explained, my voice soft as Demi looked, wide-eyed at me.

"Yes, I've seen your pictures at your parent's' house & I've seen a few at Nick's, so I knew what you looked like." Beth said.

"You've been to my parents' house?" Demi asked, incredulously.

Beth glanced at me, biting her lip. "Uh... well... your mom has invited me & Nick over when Denny & Lydia are there because the four of us are friends."

Demi's eyebrows shot up as she looked annoyed. "Did not know this. Like at all." Demi said, almost under her breath.

"You know what? I'm going to go get the rest of the things we need for dinner tonight, so you two can catch up for a few. I'll meet ya by the checkout. Nice meeting you Demi." Beth smiled at both of us, then walked off.

"Well, I guess I got my answer. You're over me, clearly & now I see why you didn't contact me. You have this new life...guess you have no room for a best friend." Demi crossed her arms, still looking pissed off.

"Don't say that. Of course, I have room. I was just wanting to be respectful of Beth, so that's why I haven't called you. I'm sorry. Beth knows all about us, though, so I didn't want it to be weird for any of us." I spoke, softly, wishing we were somewhere else having this conversation. "You're mad at me, aren't you?"

Demi sighed, shaking her head. "I'm actually more mad at my family. They never mention you & now I find out you & your new girlfriend have been over there for dinner, but they haven't said a word. It's like they're lying to me. It's like they wanted to wipe you from my life."

"In their defense, I think they were just trying to make this easier on us. They did the same thing with me. I'd have to ask about you, specifically. I heard you got promoted by the way. Congratulations."

"Thanks." She sighed. "I don't know anything about you except that you have a girlfriend. And that I just learned today."

"We'll have to have dinner sometime in the next week & we can catch up." I suggested & Demi looked surprised.

"You want to have dinner? Like you want to be friends again? Is Beth going to be okay with that?"

"Yea, she'll be fine. She trusts me. She's actually been trying to convince me to call you for the last few months, but I didn't want to add tension to our relationship. I am in love with her & have never been happier. I'm ready to be friends again. I wasn't sure I was really over you, but seeing you today, made me realize that I am over you."

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