Halloween Wrongs

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See, this is the BS I was talking about in my Halloween rant. For those of you who read my other rant book, Talking Spit. Why do people feel the need to do ignorant things such as this???

Halloween is definitely NOT the time to wear cultural outfits, props, and gimmicks that you know nothing about. It's offensive and it's wrong. No blackface, no Native American props, no Middle Eastern props.


Now, see, there's alllllllll types of wrong in this tweet. Wiz knows better. Wearing a Native American costume is very offensive to the Natives, especially with all the bullshit they had to go through.

Pretty much got ethnically cleansed, thrown off of their land, raped, giving diseases, and a big, warm FUCK YOU from the Europeans who would eventually become "Americans."

Since we all started fucking school or social studies, we learned about the Native Americans, Christopher Columbus (his dumbass), and the pilgrims. WE ALL KNOW THE GAHHDAMN STORY SO THERE'S NOTHING TO JUSTIFY THIS.

Wiz's tweet is wrong. His costume was wrong, even though I haven't seen it. His spelling is wrong. *sips tea* Don't be a culture appropriating cunt. Find some other costume to wear that's not offensive to anyone.

Thank God I didn't see anybody wearing blackface. They would've gotten an ass whopping. I saw those t.v. shows and cartoons of them racist mfs using blackface. It wasn't even funny. Corny ass (racist!) white people.

Just don't culture appropriate. Don't be afraid to correct someone. If its wrong, its wrong. No ifs, ands or buts.

Unless they WANT an ass whopping.

Need new suggestions for rants. What y'all want? Pm me for ideas or place them in the comments below.

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