Can We Have Peace?

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Ok so I know I have been M.I.A. for a while. Long story short, school is a bitch and I have a job. It's been about two weeks going on three on Sunday since starting work.

Idk if I'll have enough time to do consistent updates bc of my work schedule and the work load I have. By time I get home, I be tired as a BITCH! 😩

Imma make this update hella short. Probably not too long or boring.

So everyone has heard about the two recent shootings of black men. One in Oklahoma and one in Charlotte. What a damn shame.

Some ppl are surprised that a black police officer killed one of the men. I'm not. To me, it's always been deeper than just a white vs black crime. It's about Innocent lives being slain for no reason.

Think about it, if you erase the "color" out of the picture, it's an innocent person being killed. That's always pretty sad and disappointing.

It also doesn't surprise me that these shootings happen so close together. This has been happening for a while.

It's a shame when shit like this happens and it's not even a shock. It's not that I don't care. It just happens so often, it's almost like I'm (sadly) used to it 😭

I know some ppl will disagree, but I don't really agree with the violent Charlotte protests. We need to put these fires out. These violent riots is like putting the fire out with hair spray.

We definitely need to settle for something more changing to be exact. Let's do something that'll actually make a change. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes violent protests are effective. They can get a point across.

However, ever since the Dallas shooting, I feel like BLM should really rise above the violence and do some serious improvements. Plus they're tearing down their own neighborhoods and businesses.

We have to find another solution. But I do understand that each action has a reaction. This ain't the 50s, bitch we fight back. 👊

But still guys. Let's try to come up with something ever lasting. At least one officer got charged with manslaughter. If we make a change, we could finally get crooked cops to pay for their twisted crimes.

What do y'all think? And how have you guys been? How's school? How's life? What's new?

I will try to update more frequently. This book will kinda be my main focus since I get a good amount of reader feedback and I write shit I am actually interested in.

I will have the other topics up soon. And how was the coon roast? Terrible? Wow, that's so mean 💀

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