Relaxed Hair

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So this was going to be about relaxed Hair struggles but I don't have any. Instead, I will just discuss some thoughts and things I dealt with when I had mine.

Last year June 8th, I finally converted back to my natural hair. It was a huge adjustment bc for one, this would be my first time dealing with my own hair. From before my mother mainly took on the duties of dealing with the thickness.

Second, all of my life I have had long hair. I did a big chop so that was definitely a new experience. It was a confidence killer too unfortunately. And I don't really like the way short hair looks on me but whatever.

When I was thirteen in the 7th grade I got my first relaxer. I VERY RARELY wore my natural hair flat ironed and I just wanted to see what it would look like straight.

Plus I felt as if the hairstyles my mother gave me with my natural hair was way too kiddy. Rocking a high puff wasn't really my thing (mostly bc I was kinda teased about it but we'll discuss that later)

Also while I'm at it, the other day I was having a moment. A moment that happened way too often when I first did my big chop.

The state of missing a relaxer

I just miss having my hair looking so thick and long. I miss having 24/7 laid down edges. I miss running my fingers through my hair. I miss not always feeling so insecure about my hair like I do now.

But I know I can't go back. I worked way too hard to escape. And I know my mother would have something to say about it. She didn't even want me to get a relaxer in the first place.

She always told me that I had beautiful long hair. That my hair was absolutely gorgeous. Too bad I had no idea what she was exactly talking about then. But I begged her to give me a relaxer and one day she let me. We took that trip to the beauty salon.

Also around this time was when I received this "compliment" nearly every damn day

Wow, Kimi. You have long hair for a black girl.

Umm...excuse me bitch? How dare you.

First of all, I want you guys to keep in mind that majority of the ppl who told me this was BLACK THEMSELVES.

Just..let that marinate for a moment. I remember the last time I was told that. I had to stick up for myself bc I realized how wrong it was.

"For a black girl? Why couldn't you just say I have long hair? Why did you have to add the 'black girl' part?"

But the main struggles I had with relaxed Hair was the hairs in the front of my hair were snapping off. Not like serious breakage but it was shorter from before.

Split ends was the biggest. I didn't pay it any mind but looking back, it was bad. Like damn.

I wish I had some pictures to show to y'all but for one, most of those pictures were on Facebook. Facebook deleted all of those so 😒

Then all of the cute ones were on my iPod. Well one day I forgot my pass code, had to do a factory reset and ALL of my things were deleted.

I had some very beautiful and very RARE photos on there. Everything from the pictures I took when I first met my cat down to the pictures I took of my uncle who passed away in 2014 due to cancer.

I know this chapter is so boring but I couldn't come up with any real relatable struggles. For the most part, my hair was pretty healty. I never had a problem with "stacking" relaxers bc I would always wait at least 3 months before getting another one. Once I waited 5.

Share some struggles. And btw, the only product I really used during my relaxed days was pink lotion. It didn't matter the brand. I know someone will ask about that.

So yeah, this is the end of this terribly boring chapter. You finally made it to the end. I think next chapter I will start making dedications to some of the most criticized black features.

Who's down? Comment if you're down. Mention something you would like for me to dedicate. Tryna bring positive vibes back into this "racist" book 😂

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