Type 4 Hair Appreciation

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So since I am such a hypocrite and a hater, I will show appreciation to type 4 hair without shaming others

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So since I am such a hypocrite and a hater, I will show appreciation to type 4 hair without shaming others. Ugh, I'm such a stupid, racist bitch.

Shame on me. 😒😭💀

I need to make this. Black individuals everywhere understand where I am coming from. Or even if you don't, just listen.

Have you ever been done that your hair is nappy? Have you ever been told that you have nigga hair?

Have you ever been teased and taunted for your natural curls and kinks? Well I have.

First of all, before I forget to mention, it just feels like we can never win. When we wear weave, we get shamed. When we wear our real hair out, we get taunted.

Bitch wtf. Mind your fucking business and let me be great. Damn!

*deep exhale* now back to the scheduled program, I have been told these things. It feels like a never ending cycle. And the shit that pisses me off the most is this mostly comes from OTHER BLACK INDIVIDUALS.

Idc idc idc that's self hate right there. It don't matter if you are black and don't have type 4 hair. That's self hate. Find your soul bitch and stop acting like a coon cunt.

Gosh I need to work on calming my tits 😂😂😂 I'm acting crazy today

Like I mentioned last chapter, in middle school before I got the "creamy crack", I wore my hair in this HUGE and THICK high puff on my head. Damn near every day.

You know how most cartoons wear the same shit every episode? Well that was me. High puff every fucking day 😂😂😂

I mean I did wear my hair in braids whether it was weave or my real hair, but the puff was my signature style. Even at school when we had to draw pictures of ourselves (or when we drew pics of each other), I was always drawn with that puff ✊

However, people always talking shit. Making fun of my hair. Do you not know how annoying it was to be in the front of the class and somebody says rudely out loud

"Man, move your puff out the way. I can't see."

I was like "bitch you can move" and then they would be like "well maybe you should cut it"


Y'all why am I acting like a damn fool? 😂😂💀

Anyways, more importantly, love and embrace your afros and kinks. Straight hair is cute. Loose curls are cute too. But so is your hair. It's beautiful darling. Amazing.

Don't feel ashamed. I like the fact that my hair defies gravity. I don't like it when people stick shit in it or everytime they see me, they raise their fists at me like I'm a fucking Black Panther.

Idk I just find that rude and disrespectful. Kinda like you're making a mockery of my hair, my culture and my confidence. You should choke on fat dick and turn blue you dumb bitch.

Anyways, love your hair. This goes out to all the big and little black girls and boys. Or if you aren't black. Or if your hair isn't kinky like mine. Still love it.

These same feelings will be reciprocated to my children. My little BLACK children. This world is suffocated with too much hate. It's time we teach the little ones to love themselves, ya dig?

Speaking of kids, I have been having baby fever like a mf this past week. 😭😭😭😭 maybe it's my fertile week but it's crazy. I need to stop that shit. I am only 16 years old. I don't need a damn baby.

Plus I don't have no speed dial dick. And my parents would kill my ass.

Signing out with much love and black girl magic. I kinda forgot what I was gonna say so sorry if I missed anything.

I think there's a big lip appreciation next. Who's ready? I know I am bc I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE big lips. 😩😩 goodness gracious

Just as long as they are chapped ☕☕☕ okay I'm done bye

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