Shut the Hell Up!!

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Lately ppl been doing the absolute most and I have reached my breaking point. Imma need for everybody to take a fucking chill pill. Like deadass

Let's start off with this Black Panther movie. I am so sick of you fake deep, over dramatic ass mofos. Y'all don't know shit about Marvel. How in the fuck does this comic relate to BLM? Like...whet? And y'all talking about white ppl aren't allowed to view the movie.


And y'all had the audacity to demand 25% of the movie's sales to go toward the black community. Have a fucking seat. Like seriously.

I'm not being a coon. Y'all being some hoteps. Like stfu and let ppl enjoy the fucking movie. Majority of y'all don't know shit about the comic. MY GOD!

And I am so through with you biscuit headed hoes fishing for attention and doing the most. Always showing out. Acting like a dumbass. Pretending like you ugly or whatever just to fish for compliments. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

And don't get me started on you bitches who try to "expose" niggas after they gave you a compliment. Like deadass, stop acting like a bird. Sometimes it don't even be like that. A nigga can ask for questions to the homework and y'all would screenshot the conversation and be like

"Ugh, niggas these days. So thirsty😒"

Bitch please. Be humble. Very humble. Some of y'all not even that cu-nvm. Just chill out.

Ppl still making a big deal out of homosexuality. It's 2018. Get over it.

Niggas still justifying their dog ass, manipulative ways for some pussy. I am so done. Shut the fuck up.

At this point, I done forgot half the shit I was gonna rant about but there's one message behind them all.


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