Sex Ed (Hella Off Topic)

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This rant probably is not even black girl related, but it's still relatable. I decided to just talk about it bc it was on my mind and shit.

Anyways, if y'all was wondering where I was, first I went to NC (ended up coming back so I'm still here) then I went to Disney World.

It was a very amazing experience. I absolutely loved it. Florida got some bipolar ass weather but it didn't stop the fun.

I'm glad my dream came true and I was able to watch the fireworks go off. I took some videos and pictures of stuff but that is like way off topic and I'm pretty sure no one cares 😂😂😭

I hate updating when I'm not in my house with my planner books so this is lowkey why this topic is left field

I believe our school systems should do a better job on teaching us about sex. At least the way I was taught, it was terrible.

First of all, the teachings are VERY sexist. How come the boys got taught BEFORE us, get goodie bags of condoms and shit, go on field trips, get taught all the details about sex and then get pat on the back when they do?


I never had that. First of all, guys my age were taught in like 7th grade. For me at least I didn't have a sex ed class until 9th grade...FRESHMAN YEAR. That's a big ass gap. C'mon son.

Anyways, we were not taught the ins and outs about sex. We were taught primarily about ABSTINENCE and how sex before marriage was all wrong.

How living together before marriage causes ALL these (nonexistent) problems. Sex is like fire and all that other dumb shit.

First of all, I don't really plan to save my virginity until marriage. It ain't that deep to me. Especially since I found out that your hymen does NOT break.

Which is something I didn't learn in sex ed. They make virginity seem so much more bigger than what it is. It's kinda an imaginary thing.

Alot of ppl on here still value and treat their virginity like it's super special. Do you girl. I just don't but I'm not gonna shit on those who do.

Anyways, I don't need them half ass teaching me anything. Plus my parents broke every damn rule they told us not to break and them niggas doing just fine 💁

I think I am missing hella stuff. But I didn't wanna make this too long. If you want, I can make a chapter on the things they don't teach you.

Who wants it?

Anyways, I hope somebody reads this after not updating for a million years.

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