13 Q's Tag/Wattys2016

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Before I begin I just want everyone to know that I am entering my book "The Blacker The Berry" into the Wattys2016. I would greatly appreciate you guys support.

If you haven't read it yet, read it. If you don't want to, cool but I would just love to have sufficient support to possibly win the Wattys. More than likely, if they allow subgenres again this year, it will be under the Urban genre.

And for those of you out there who may want to enter, follow the @/TheWattys profile to keep track of the entering and voting. THE CONTEST STARTS JUNE 20TH BTW.

1. How many siblings do you have?


2. Fav emoji


3. 1-10 how petty are you?

It depends on the situation. Most of the time, I am a 6

4. Thoughts on the Orlando shooting?

It's listed in the chapter before this one (literally)

5. Ever been bullied for a dumb reason? What was it?

I don't think I have tbh.

6. Favorite sports team?


7. Do you enjoy Wattpad?

I mean, it's okay. I'm not as excited over it as I was when I first got on and was publishing. It gives me something to do most of the time. It also allows me to pursue a (fake ass career) in writing, which has been a passion of mine since elementary school.

8. How fake are the people at your school?

Hella. Even the niggas fake but ☕☕☕☕

9. Birthday?

February 22 but y'all knew that already 😂😂

10. Even hated anyone?


11. Longest relationship? With who?

I hate him now and it didn't last 3 months therefore it was a theory not a relationship.

I was supposed to tag 13 ppl but uhh idk who to choose and most of the ppl I fw don't even read my shit 😂😂😂 so if y'all want, you can do it. If you don't want to, don't.

New rant coming soon. I was too lazy to take the bold off so sorry about that 😏

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