Lemme Explain

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I know y'all probably hate me bc I literally went ghost for like an entire month. Welp, when you're a full time student taking college courses (still in high school btw) and have hella assignments due and shit WHILE maintaining a part time job...shit gets complicated. 

Just like how I feel about my job, that's how I feel about Wattpad kinda. It's my responsibility but school is my main priority. PERIOD! I mean I would do more updates and take this website more seriously if watty thotty was paying me *sips tea* 

Btw, I am out for winter break. We got 2 weeks. That's great except my math teacher gave us a fucking review packet to do. What a wonderful thing to do during my only time of leisure (heavy dosage of sarcasm)

I can't even do emojis and shit bc well first I am on my laptop and my phone broke. Like it literally gave up on me. Stopped working out of nowhere. So if y'all mfs been texting me, I ain't get it bc my shit is broken. 

I am getting a new phone soon so that's wassup. But yeah, over thanksgiving break, I got a new puppy (Pork Chop is her name. She's the cutest I swear. Eventually I might post her on here) and I got my beginner's permit. 


And I do have lots of things in store for y'all? Kinda, well, idk, fuck it. I will go back to being sociable on social media which means I will go back to posting on Insta, make a snapchat, probs a Twitter. I am trying to expand my horizons and I guess benefit from the fruits of social media. 

I mean it's taking over everything in daily life so why not? (I just did a persuasive final essay on that so I guess I am on my "woke to the bullshit" type ming)

I am so tired. My writing looks so ugly on this. It's been a minute y'all. Bare with me. I hope y'all are reading this and didn't give up on me bc I will be really sad. 

And some ppl have messaged me with advice so check that book out bc I will update on that too.  

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