My Bad Y'all

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For a minute, I was on a roll with the updates but then shit happens. I'll explain don't worry. I'm about to fill y'all in on everything that's been happening thus far. If you don't wanna listen, tell exit the chapter now and leave some suggestions for future sections. 


So when I left, I picked a second job. Well, it was pretty rocky at first. The management was poor, I didn't get paid for orientation nor did I fucking finish. Then them hoes were rude to me and someone stole money out my wallet. So in a nutshell, it was all a HOTMESS.COM and yes I did quit. 

So I was going to update but that happened. Hopefully I get around to it. If not, my bad. I don't want y'all to be mad at me. I was hoping to have a lot more free time on my hands. 

I did update on my YouTube channel. The name is Kween Kimi if you wanna check it out. Make sure to leave some suggestions, advice, constructive criticism, whatever. I want to make sure that I'm creating content that you guys will like. 

Then, I'm trying to expand my brand and everything on social media. It's hard when you don't have clout. Like literally I only have clout on here. Shoutout to y'all. But it still pisses me off how I'm still not being compensated. Like um, Wattpad sis, wyd? Run me my coin PRONTO! 

Then I'm always emotional unstable. Well my period is coming soon but still. My life is not going how I planned it to go. And I'm the type to plan shit out and move accordingly so when shit goes left, I freak out. 

Then my current job is a hot mess and they don't wanna give me extra hours. Well, fuck it bc my ass is leaving anyways. I'm moving soon so new location, more options, more opportunities. I would just rather start my entrepreneurship which is why I'm focusing more on social media. 

In conclusion, help a sister out. Or if y'all need help, then message me. Message me on the snap (kween.kimi) or DM on Twitter (kweenkimi). I'm trying to be more active on Instagram but that shit got boring hella fast. Support me y'all and if you ask, I'll def support y'all back. I got big dreams and I want to be a thriving successful black woman. 

But enough of that, I just needed to explain my hiatus. Comment some topic suggestions so we can keep the ball rolling. I will try to update on my other books and on my YT channel regularly so be on the lookout for ALL of that. 

Peace out my niggs. 

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