"Mixed" Fetishes

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First of all, before I start, I just wanna say R.I.P. to Prince. What a loss to the music world for losing a legend. Completely devastating. I loved him because he was so shady (lmao) but all respects to him. It seems like all the *black* older legends are dying. So terrible. 

WASSUPPPP?! *Martin vc* Let's talk about an issue that's been relevant for probably 300 years now. I wouldn't necessarily say it's at an all time high currently, but it still is around and it makes me fucking SICK. 

Mixed people fetishes. 

Now, I'm not here to bash mixed people or anything like that. I'm here to bash the people that THINK mixed ppl are so much better than regular blacks. And most of the fucking time, those ppl are black themselves. 

I don't like how on social media, people make memes about wanting mixed children and supporting "natural" hair and "curls" but only when they look "mixed". Why is it that 3A-3C is considered "good hair" or "good natural"...but 4A-4C hair is "bad hair" or "bad natural?"

I remember when I was younger, I wanted to be mixed. To have "mixed people hair". To look as beautiful as they did.  Until I got older and realized that I am beautiful the way I am. I am a beautiful young, unapologetically black women. Black girls rock. I don't have to portray those features to be considered beautiful. That's what society likes but tbh, 


*clears throat* Antywhoooo, the real intent of this rant was to discuss black girls trying to be mixed/non black. This goes for all the girls who just need that spiritual uplift and those dumb ass coons *cough cough Raven Symone* who want to be another race. 

Sweetie, you are perfectly fine the way you are. Cliche, yeah I know. I heard it too. But seriously, love your blackness. You shouldn't have to pass as something you're not or discredit your race to feel better. 

I could've been better with this rant but I'm running out of ideas. Drop some more in the comments. Also, I might be having a new book coming out soon. If you're interested, stay tuned and be on the lookout for that. And just in case if you need more black girl uplifting, read my story "The Blacker the Berry." 

Depending on how much people actually care enough to read this chapter, I might update on Saturday so look out for that too. *struts away*

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