Random Rant Shit

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I really don't even know how this rant will go bc I have four topics that kinda correlate together but when I try to make a chapter on it, it doesn't make any sense. Like wtf.

Plus I don't have school on Friday bc we're about to have a tropical storm 😭 but at least we get a 4 day weekend Imma try to do updates this weekend so this is why I need y'all input

First of all, the school year is going by fast already but I'm still stressed yall. And I'm trying to find a job. I just need to get my shit together.

And like lemme know if y'all still want the roast. I need a full participation on this so work with me. It would be done either tomorrow or Saturday. Not sure.

But please drop some new topic suggestions that I can talk about later. And can y'all add topics I haven't discussed at all? And nothing too outdated. Or boring. Or some stupid ass celebrity drama that I could give a shit about.

And after the rants, which topic do y'all wanna hear me speak about first? Comment "this one" for your top choice

Thick hair dilemma

Protective styling (like relatable shit)

Bullying and insecurities

Natural hair bashing 2.0

Tell me which one to choose. If not, then there is no update. Y'all influence what I put out so give me your opinion.

Can never say I don't value y'all opinion. Bc I do. So drop it. And give suggestions on BRAND NEW topics

And btw, on the last chapter, we're only roasting BLACK coon males and females. So stop commenting them flat back irrelevant white girls

Fuck them. Let's target the "real issues" first. Let's discuss the self hating mfs first.

Thanks 😊

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