Please Read This

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Y'all it seems like I'm rarely on here, which is true. I am currently trying to piece my life back together because it is disorganized and in shambles. Let me refresh you on my life currently.

So i am currently #2 in my class. Still working very hard to maintain my A/B average streak. Still busting my ass with scholarships. I am just trying to create an easier, better life for myself since I'm poor and my parents can't afford to send me off to school 🙃

We all know Howard is in shambles right now. I still love Howard, but this definitely puts things into perspective for me. With that begin said, I am putting my attention into other schools while Howard cleans their shit up.

I recently applied to North Carolina Central University and North Carolina A&T State University. I have a very good chance of getting into NCAT, so if shit goes left with Howard, I will be there. Maybe.

I completely forgot that I applied to Spelman and should be receiving my decision very soon. If I do get accepted, then I will dig deeper into that school and see what's popping. The biggest issue with Spelman (besides them being stingy with scholarship money) is they don't necessarily offer my major. I could finesse it and wiggle my way around it so 🤷🏽‍♀️ let's see.

In a nutshell, I am narrowing all of my school choices to JUST HBCUs. That means bye to Winthrop. I keep trying to make myself like the school, but I don't. No ma'am.

That was just a quick life update. But I want to discuss the main reason I am coming back but I need you guys' help. A few weeks ago, I had an emotional breakdown and as a therapy tool, I will need to go back to hobbies that make me happy.

If you follow my YouTube, you'll see I haven't been active since January. I haven't even made a story update (for Blacker the Berry) since a long ass time ago. I was so bombarded with school that I forgot to incorporate the things that keep me mentally sane.

I honestly miss writing, but every time I write, I feel stuck. I feel like I lost so much fire that I had for writing but I want it back. Writing was like my first love; the very first passion I could remember. I need to come back to writing ASAP.

I need y'all to message me some inspirational stuff and give me ideas on books I could write. Even give me some topics to incorporate into TBTB to keep readers interest. I wanna keep going but I need the alternative perspective of others.

And if you are good with editing and reviewing stuff, message me as well. I will greatly need help with editing my works. I soon plan to publish books as a side hustle, and this time, I want my writings to be flawless. No more half-ass, floppish works. I want pure wonderful quality.

I plan to return to YouTube this spring break, but I am GREATLY dissatisfied with my channel. I don't like the quality of them. Give me some constructive criticism on my channel. Recommend videos topics (nothing too crazy). 2018 is my year. I am claiming it. I will not let my depression get the best of me.

I am ultimately doing these things to help myself with an emotional balance, but I know some of you have been anticipating my return. This benefits us all. I miss taping into my creative zone.

Hell, I been typing all of these scholarship essays I figured why not come back to writing stories? 🤣


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