Sex Ed 2.0

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This will be all over the place lowkey bc I will try to insert as much facts as possible. I wish I had some links, but I remember learning this stuff a while back so yeah. This will kinda be rants mixed with facts. 

Also I just came back from vacation finally. We have about two weeks until school starts again, but I might be starting a new job that will hopefully follow me throughout the school year. So if updates aren't as frequent, don't give up on me. Don't panic. 

Matter of fact, if you just don't hear from me for a while, just hmu. I respond (until Wattpad acts an ass and decides to fuck with my notifications)

Starting off strong, but y'all fr, if y'all are out there partaking in oral sex, PLEASE protect yourselves. Don't feel ashamed or afraid to use dental dams or condoms while doing oral. It is way safer. 

Bc they (sex ed instructors) put so much emphasis on diseases transmitted through anal but mostly vaginal, they forget that oral sex plays a major part as well. And sweetie, lemme tell you something...

YOU CAN CATCH GENITAL HERPES IN YOUR THROAT. If you decide to swallow, just keep that in mind. Be mindful if you decide to do so. And if you do give oral with condoms, use the flavored ones. That's what they were made for. You're welcome.

 Speaking of safe sex, they always preach about wearing condoms and it being best to use birth control while using condoms to prevent diseases and pregnancies. Yes, we know this already. 

They claim that condoms are 99% effective, mostly when used correctly. Well actually, they are about (correct me if I'm wrong) 85%. I mean, just think about it. First of all, it ain't like the shit is made of bricks or some shit like that. 

You could use a condom every time you have sex but it could be placed on improperly. And even when all is right, sometimes shit happens. And most people occasionally raw dog anyway so like what's the deal?

Gosh it was awkward typing that. 

And probably the most shocking of them all, you can't really get pregnant using the pull out method. It's lowkey true y'all. 

I believe there's only a 2% chance of getting pregnant from pulling out. I think it has something to do with low sperm counts in semen, not sure. I swear I tried to find the receipts for y'all. 

Not promoting it or saying it's okay, but if you do decide to, you can't get pregnant. If your pull out game strong like mine, you won't have kids running around. Bitch lemme stop. 

The most obvious one I almost forgot, your hymen does not break. It stretches. So where does the blood come from when you do have sex for the first time? It's from the pressure at the vaginal opening.

But then again, the "breaking" of the hymen myth can't be true bc not every girl is born with a hymen. Matter of fact, you really don't know nor can you tell whether you have one or not. So that bullshit is out the window. 

That fact is why I believe (and it's kinda proven) that in all actuality, virginity is just an imaginary "boundary" that we as a society created. There's not much of a difference between a person who had sex and someone who didn't. At least not too much physical. 

I believe all it does is continue this thing we call slut shaming. that's pretty self explanatory, right? People still cherish theirs and treat it as a heirloom or something. 

It makes sense bc it's your first sexual experience so you want it to be right with the right one. Others believe this way bc they are religious. 

I'm not. I just choose to wait until I'm comfortable. Plus I don't need that extra drama in my life. The perks of being a virgin is learning more things about my body like now. I like learning about sex and learning about sex myths being busted so I truly know the ins and outs about sex.

Why jump into something when you don't even know what it is?

Plus all they do is teach about abstinence. Bitch putting a ring on it does not guarantee a happy life, marriage or coochie. Your shit can flop like everybody else's or maybe worse so have several seats. 

Anyways, this was painfully long. I hope I covered everything. Share your thoughts. Share a tip I didn't know. Give your take about the failed ass teaching about sex in school. 

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