Let's Catch Up

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After like a million billion years, I am back. Pretty sure at this point noone cares, but guess what?


Antywho, still working and schooling. Tbh wanna quit my job so badly. White privilege is real asf in there. I truly understand people's struggles when they mention that now. 

Also one of my homegirls from my job a.k.a. the only other black girl there besides me, QUIT today. Ugh, I'm so annoyed. But don't worry bc my ass is about to dip too. I'm not about to bust my ass for chump change. Absolutely NOT!

Donald Dump is our new president. I am totally not surprised. I was saying that all day yesterday and look, it's a reality. America is extremely fucked now. Too bad. Should've voted for Bernie. #FeelTheBern

Damn near two months late, but two other black men was shot and killed by the police. Not surprised by that either. What a shame. Like literally everything bad that happens now days doesn't shock me. 

This is 2016, almost 2017. We should be making progress. Moving forward. Moving past the bullshit. I guess I was WRONG. And with Donald Duck as the new POTUS, we're taking so many steps back. Like back to the 1950s and shit. 

Like I previously mentioned in chapters, don't get crazy and think you can do whatever you want to us. This ain't slave times or MLK times. We fight back, no hesitations. Don't run up with the fuckery bc you will get popped and dropped. 

P.S. Anybody know who was apart of the 7% African American that voted for Trump? I need to have a nice little chat with them. -.- 

I'm out. Just checking in. If anybody cares to comment, you get an update. Merry Christmas. If not, then fuck it. Back on another hiatus. 

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