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Y'all played tf out of me with that last chapter. It's alright tho. I see how y'all do me. I was actually preaching that real shit like how I did when I first started writing on here. I guess y'all getting tired of me. 😂

Anyways, so #bigguytwitter and #tallguytwitter was trending about three days ago. Lemme tell you GURL there was hella snacks in that hashtag. Too bad they all in college and don't want a 17 year old jailbait like me.

I liked a couple of tweets and of course, I came across some non black dudes. Now it doesn't surprise me that seeing these hotties tickled my pickle, but I usually seek out black guys bc it's a preference and they're less likely to turn me down (even tho a lot of them be cooning like shit🙄)

I was getting my edges snatched left and right and I said to myself, "Damn, I wonder if he likes black girls." I somewhat chuckled to myself but then I sat and thought for a moment.


Why should I have to worry about a non black man seeing me or my race as attractive enough? We blacks go through this all the time. Not sue about black guys bc those other girls claim to like BBC 🙄

This lowkey hurts my feelings. Why should I have to question myself as being attractive enough to anybody first of all? Us black women are always being shitted on. Now I know NOT all of them share that small minded concept, but it's 2017 and we still dealing with the same old bullshit so you never know 🤷🏽‍♀️

I don't even know how to stop this implicit bias. Is it even my place? Like this type of mentality has been either taught or whatever into their minds. It's kinda hard to change a racist or discriminative mind ya know

And the fact that not even black guys want us is ridiculous. Why can't I just find happiness in someone that'll love my black ass for who I am? Is it too much to ask for? 😫

I bet y'all didn't think I was down with the swirl. Hey, if you sexy, you sexy. I just rather a black man bc they are just more popping to me. But if you Latino or white or whatever and you got it going on, then hey boo 😂

Tell me what y'all think. Leave some comments down below. Fuck with me on twitter Snapchat Instagram and on YouTube. I promoted this shit so much y'all should know the @ names by now 😂

Anyways I'm out. And don't leave me hanging y'all. Lemme just spit some more real shit before I leave for good

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