Weight Bashing

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P.S. This is coming from a skinny girl's perspective. Please forgive me if I say anything offensive or politically incorrect. I am still in the process of becoming more woke.

I just wanna touch up on weight bashing. I wanna speak on all body types, but I'll try to speak more about the thicker women. The last thing I want this chapter to sound like is a sympathetic cry of a skinny girl's life.

I hate how society puts so much emphasis on body sizes, types, and the "perfection". Over time, society's favorite body type changes. Now, we're in the thick women era. Big booty, big titties, plastic surgery. Allat.

Lemme not get on the topic of how ppl (mostly guys) freak out over stretch marks. Holy fuck. I'm sure just about everybody has them. I have them on my upper thigh, ass cheek, and the "cuff" (what I like to call it) underneath my ass cheek. And lemme tell you I'm so self-conscious about it. I hate it so much. Thank you society for making me feel awkward about my body.

I don't like the fact that if you don't have a big ass or big tits, you're not desirable (to some). I got 38 B tits and a little ass. Literally little. So tf what? My body in general doesn't make up who I am, and you don't have the authority to determine who I am based on my body size. Little bitch.

And I hate weight bashing. And I mean, y'all might try to come for me for saying this, but Idgaf. I was requested by fellow readers to be petty, so Merry Christmas to y'all who wants it. 😊😊

I don't appreciate how Nicki Minaj slid that sly ass FUCK THEM SKINNY BITCHES in the song Anaconda. I guess she was tryna make bigger girls confident about their size, but she could have done it more tastefully. In a way that wasn't so..harsh.

Especially considering the fact that she used to be a "skinny bitch" herself. ☕☕ got some ass and titties and now she think she..Nvm ☕☕☕☕☕

Anywho, I don't appreciate big girl bashing either. And lemme fucking tell you what grinds my gears, these rude ass memes that ppl make about the girl who plays Precious. They make rude ass captions (with her and a guy in a picture or whatever) saying

"Well, if she can find love, I can too. 😂"

"This big ugly bitch.."

"He deserves someone more attractive."

Tbh, I think she receives alot of bashing because she big AND darkskin but ☕☕☕ she's beautiful to me. And if she can find a guy who loves her and won't judge her like the stupid asshole you are, then kudos to her.

I don't like how ppl assume women who have thick thighs, big breasts, big butt, and allat that they are whores. That because of their bodies, it's okay to cat call them and treat them disrespectfully. That it's okay to rape them. (Sometimes) they didn't choose to have these bigger assets and regardless if they are confident in their bodies or not, it's nasty. Stop.

In all, we shouldn't turn to society to show us these images of what our bodies are supposed to look like and we nearly kill ourselves to look like something unrealistic. It's okay to not look like that supermodel on that magazine cover. It's okay to not be fit or thick or cellulite free or stretch mark free or whatever.


And don't shame others.

Did I speak on everything I should have? Because I don't wanna miss anything. See y'all next rant

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