So let's talk

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I know in the last update I told y'all I was going to include the top 5 commenters into the next update. I already hit up the ppl I needed but...not everyone responded to my message and it's been damn near 4 weeks 🙄

So at the end of this chapter, I'll just do something else. I'm still gonna chose the same ppl that messaged me but in a different way bc I don't wanna keep waiting for ppl if they're gonna waste my time. So it wasn't my fault this time guys 🤷🏽‍♀️

I started school on Thursday. BITCHHH IM A SENIOR NOW 🗣🗣 CLASS OF 2018, WHERE YOU ATTTTTTT?!!! 👏🏽👏🏽

So there's supposed to be a solar eclipse on Monday and where I live, it's super visible so they cancelled school here. That's lit bc I can continue working on projects that I've working on.

If you want the tea on projects I've created like my YouTube channel and my brand new blog, I have all the links on my Twitter @kweenkimi. I will be introducing those on here as I slowly start transitioning onto other platforms. I'm still here for now.

On August 9th, my whole life changed when I went to a J Cole concert. I have finally devoted myself to his creative works as a proud stan so no slander will be tolerated 😊😊 I'm gonna insert a video clip from that night bc it is seriously the most lit concert

This was the concert in Charlotte, NC btw. He did that for the Carolinas 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

I'm working on more consistent uploads on all social media platforms, including here. I also have my YouTube channel link on my profile. I have a lot of big things planned, so I want my supporters to get the inside scoop.

I just wanna say thank you for everyone who supports me. It really means a lot to me. Special shoutout to everyone who been fucking with me since day 1. Where the day ones at? 👀 leave a comment about the most memorable time about my arrival on here. I wanna see how long y'all really been fucking with me. Time has its way of telling.

Anyways, don't wanna hold you guys up for too long. I just wanted to update y'all on what's going on. How have y'all been for like the past 3 weeks? What's new with y'all?

If you wanna be featured in the next chapter, here's what I need you to do. Read carefully and follow directions.

So y'all know we've had plenty of bops this summer. Comment down below what YOU think the best summer bop is. If you comment the ONE specific song I was talking about, I'll also include you in the next chapter. Comment wisely 🌚

Alright y'all I'm out this bitch. Peace and a bottle of hair grease ✌🏽

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