Currently Dying Rn

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I am literally laying in my bed, typing this. Usually I'm up and about but a bitch is sick as fuck currently 🤒 i already missed a bunch of school days and no one seems to give a shit about my health so I'm going to school and work tomorrow to contaminate everyone 🙃

Anyways, I realized I haven't been on here as promised but I kinda ran out of things to talk about. Comment something I could make a quick chapter about. Let me find something to talk about before I completely give up on here.

Also, I am dropping new videos on my channel tonight at 9PM EST and on Saturday at 8PM EST. Please support the good sis and check out my content. The link is in my bio on my page. Leave a comment letting me know that you're a reader straight from Wattpad and subscribe for more content!

I'm trying to get better at staying active on my social medias and promoting my works. And I'm sick so bare with me. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, you know how to reach me.

Just checking in on all my beautiful readers ❤️ don't give up on me yet

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