Generational Wealth

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First off, let me start this off by saying I can't wait until I go off to college. My parents be pissing me off too much. I need to get away from them. On some real shit.

Let's talk about generational wealth. This chapter is strictly my perspective on the topic. Feel free to express your opinions (respectfully).

We all know white privilege is real. They usually have great advantages and head starts in life. Their whiteness may be a factor of this, but also money.

A lot of white families somehow some way come from money. I'm not gonna get into how they got I.T or what they do but it's the truth. And they invest their money to give to their children and so on.

Black ppl (specifically blacks for the sake of this chapter since i am black and can't speak for any other ethnicity) do not have this privilege. Even with an outstanding degree, superb vocabulary and a squeaky clean record, you can be judged by your colleagues.

Most black families do not come from money, usually linking to slavery and racial disadvantages/segregation that happened not too long ago. NOT EVEN MENTIONING HOW a lot of the financial turmoil most blacks are in is, indeed, intentional. But we'll save this for another day.

Since black families don't have money to begin with, they can't invest into their families which cause a snowball effect of poor blacks. Seems fucked up and simple right? I know.

I believe this wealth gap between blacks and whites will close. Black women are the largest ethnic group with high college degrees. High college degrees=more money. More and more black children are attending and graduating from college.

There are so many black entrepreneurs and innovators. Lots of doors of opportunity are open for us, which allows us to thrive. This is part of the reason why I chose to attend Howard, but anyways

Saying all this doesn't refute the fact that most white people still come from money and rise higher in the financial ladder. I'm just saying competition is getting pretty hefty.

White people, according to National Geographic i believe, will become a minority by 2050. Not sure if it's true, but I'm pretty sure white supremacists are going to do everything in their power to stop that.

I encourage ALL BLACK PEOPLE to do something with their lives. Go to college if you want. Go into the military if you choose. Take your regular ass high school diploma and create a business or whatever . Be a stripper if you need to. DO SOMETHING. Let's perpetuate these poor black stereotypes placed on us and show everyone how powerful we all can be.

I encourage all black people to find a passion. Capitalize off of I.T. Create a wealthy lane for yourself. Invest (and spend) your money wisely. Set money aside to help your children in the future. Create foundations and segways to grow into generational wealth. Come on guys.

I am not afraid to admit that I fall under the poor black stereotype. But I'm trying to break it. I try to break this habit of laziness and create an avenue of black excellence. Set a wonderful example for all family members behind me to follow behind.

I know my strengths, my capabilities. It'll be a damn shame to let all this smarts and potential go to waste. I want to create a better life for myself and future family instead of paycheck to paycheck living.

This is why I chose to become a hospital CEO. It's about time we add more color and femininity to the C-suite. We need representation. We need a voice. Congratulations, that's what I'm here for. I am about to shake the fucking table and leave all the Chad's and Dylan's SHOOK 😳

To those of you who are black people well off in life, I'm proud. I'm glad your parents or whoever worked hard to create a better life for you. Continue that cycle. Push the envelope even further. Create a throne for the future kings and queens to sit on.

We can no longer use segregation and slavery as an excuse for our racial barriers. We know I.T exists. Now let's get off our asses and make a change. We are strong ass people. We will conquer.

If you are a minority other than black and this idea applies to you, then so be I.T. This goes out to you too. But don't be in my comments tryna make this all about you. It's our turn now ✊🏽no offense


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