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"I love you Aman...", she said and looked up into his eyes. She searched his eyes for an answer but he looked away. She gently touched his cheek, "Look at me Aman... Do you love me?", she asked her eyes were welled up and she was surprised to see his eyes were too.

"I...", he said but was interrupted by his phone ringing. Both looked at his phone which was lying on the table beside.

It said Lilly Calling...

Hey there muffins, I am really sorry for taking this long to upload the Part 2. But I hope this book is worth the wait. As you lovelies suggested I will try to include more romance into this story ;)

Hope to see your awesome comments and love.

Yours always,

Emotional Wreck! ;)

As Fate Would Have It - Part 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now