Chapter 20 : The fate of a broken past

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Aman's P.O.V :

I had been working all day today, I had hardly had anytime to talk or even message Lilly. And surprisingly, she has not messaged me also. By the evening I was done with most of the errands for the day and I decided to drop by Lill's home.

I dropped her a message on whats-app that I am coming over for which she replied asking me to get food parceled with me. I make a quick stop at a Punjabi restaurant and get some food packed for us. It had been a while since I have had Indian food and I was kind of missing home.

I finally arrived at Lill's door and rang the bell. When she opened the door I could't help but smile at the way she looked. Her hair tied into a messy bun with little stands all over her face. She stood there with a scissors in one hand wearing a loose black top and grey Pj's. "What have you been upto?" I asked as she gave me way to walk in.

I have been unpacking some boxes which I had not done when I shifted to this apartment. And also, I set up my wall for the background of my video again", she said sounding proud with her accomplishments. I smiled, "I can see you have been working hard", I said and took out a piece of double-sided tape which was stuck on her hair and laugh. "You should have called me, I could have helped you with this".

"Ah no problem, I am a strong person, and I knew you were busy anyways", she said and took the parcel from me placing it on the table. "Come on, I got to show you something I made", she grinned and pulled me by my hand to her office making me stand in front of her computer. I looked beyond on the wall there was this huge board.

"A new vision board!!", I exclaimed, "Awesome", I said and went near it to check it out. "Yess!! I made new goals for myself to accomplish!", she said and stood by me as I examined the board.

"Ah ha!! There's 15, 18 and 20 million subscribers...", I said. She had a little over 13 million right now. "And there is a photo of drake singing and you singing... you want to do a music video with drake?", I asked, she smiled and nodded. "Alright!! Then there is the White house? You want to be the president??", I asked and somehow she found it very amusing as she burst into a fit of laughter. "No no you dummy, I want to meet the president, and may be... do a collab with him", she winked.

"And whats this?", I asked, there were two intertwined rings in between the heart. I looked at her. She blushed. "You know... whenever the time comes", she said shyly. "When the time comes? What?", I teased her. "You know...", she said blushed a little more. "No I don't", I said. I was enjoying this. "Come on!!!", she said her voice showing fake annoyance as she punched my arm. "Lets have dinner, I am hungry", she said and walked out of the room, but I was still in the mood of teasing her more. "I can't believe Lilly Singh has put marriage in her vision board", I teased. She gave me one mean look and dug into the packet. "Oh you got Indian food!! I love you!!", she said and went to get the plates.

I laughed as I sat down at the dining table, I decided not to tease her more. But the fact that she actually put it on her vision board made me smile and the smile never left my face all night.


Two weeks had passed by, and we had now established a routine. Lilly would spend most of her days in my apartment, as it was bigger, airier and had more natural light to her liking. Except on Mondays and Thursdays, or the times she had to do any other video related work, she would go back to her flat.

Though we were back together, there was this weird kind of awkwardness between us which was surprising as she usually is the person I am be most comfortable with. Not that we wouldn't talk, we would discuss about anything under the sun... except for the past. Somehow we never spoke about the breakup, what happened to us after the breakup or how we coped, nothing.

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