Chapter 31 : The Mastermind!

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Author's P.O.V :

"Sandeep???", Lilly gasped as she saw him standing in front of her in between two officers. He looked away, his face showed a mixture of anger and disappointment.

Lilly was confused, how did he end up here?

"So this man, Mr. Sandeep was involved in getting your channel hacked", the manager said looking at Lilly awaiting her response. She was still confused and looked around, she finally spotted Aman who was standing by the side with his arms folded across in front of him looking at Sandeep with disgust.

"And our thanks to Mr. Amandeep Singh, he was the one who lead us to this man", the manager spoke again.

Aman helped them find the hacker? That means Aman is not the hacker? What is going on? thought Lilly and looked back at Aman. He smiled half a smile and nodded at her reassuringly as if to say he would explain it later.

"Miss Singh if you can please come over to the office now, we have some paperwork to do before you leave", said the manager and took Lilly back to the office again.

"I know this a lot to process for you Miss Singh, especially when you knew Mr. Sandeep personally. It was very unfortunate. Are you sure you will be able to do this?", the manager asked. "Yeah, I just want to be done with it as soon as possible", Lilly replied going through the papers.

After half the paperwork was done the manager told Lilly to wait in the waiting room for a bit as there were a few more formalities left and the papers were getting ready as of yet. She sat down on a sofa in the waiting room still processing the turn of events, when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey? Are you alright?", she turned to look it was Aman.

"Aman what is happening?", she asked, she did not know if she had to be scared, relieved or happy.

"Come with me, I will explain", he said and took her hand in his, taking her to a little video editing room nearby. "Sit down", he said and they both settled in chairs facing each other.

"So its a long story...", he sighed, "And has a happy ending", he smiled.

"Okay?", she said now eager to know.

"You remember that you were working with Coke and doing their projects before our breakup?", he asked. She nodded. "And after our breakup you just stopped doing their assigned work, you stopped making videos and promoting them for a long time, breaking the agreement that you had signed for?", he pointed out.

"Umm... yes I did", she said surprised at how he knew so much about all this. "and did you know that they can sue you for the damages incurred because of the negligence on your part?", he asked.

"Yes I do. But I spoke to them later on and they said they were fine with it, they even told me that they would give me another fresh project. I have been working for them since a while, so they know me well and would never sue me".

"Exactly. See there are two people who are managing the projects and business of coke and YouTube partnership", he said.

"Yeah I know that, Mark and Ethan", she responded, now intently listening.

"So yeah... Mark is really good friends with Sandeep", he said and she raised an eyebrow. "And Sandeep spoke to Mark about you and they plotted a plan together". "What?", she said surprised.

"Sandeep got your channel hacked and posted that video clip about you through some professional hacker. He then called me that afternoon. He asked me to take the blame of the hacking and take the charges. He threatened me that if I did not do as he said, he would make Mark file a law suit against you about the Coke project. And that would be like quite a huge amount of money", he stopped for a breath then continued. "This way, he would get you out of YouTube, as that idiot thought that due to all the hate you would quit YouTube. And I would be out of your life as obviously you would break up with me once you knew I hacked your channel".

"Wow...", Lilly said as her eyes widened.

"So then, even I plotted my plan. I agreed to his demand when I spoke to him, but then went behind his back and through my connections arranged a meeting with Ethan, who is the other guy who Manages Coke. You remember I was doing an Illustration of an artist the next day? That was a personal illustration I did for him of his favorite artist. I gifted him that, and managed to make friendship with him real quick", he smiled and somehow Lilly couldn't help but smile at his smartness.

"I made Sandeep drag it another day so I could become good friends with Ethan, and then finally today, in the morning I spoke to Ethan about this situation. Ethan though in the same position as Mark, is still a little senior to him, so he has a tad bit more power. So once I got a reassurance from Ethan about there being no law suit against you, I went to the police and told them about Sandeep", he finished.

"This is unbelievable", said Lilly, "But why did you not tell all this to me before", asked a confused Lilly.

"Because if I would have told you, you would never let me take the blame for the hacking and would rather turn Sandeep to the police immediately. That would make Mark sue you and you would unnecessarily lose the money". he said and she smiled. That would probably be the exact thing she would do she knew that.

"Oh my God Aman... This is just too much to process. And I thought you did it. How stupid of me", she said holding her head in her hands.

"Well, I am sorry to put you through this, but I had no choice Lill", he said. They both hugged and Lilly was so relieved that it was all over, and Aman was safe.

"Okay now lets go back before the manager thinks someone kidnapped you", Aman chuckled making Lilly laugh.

When they got back home, Lilly could not stop smiling and being in awe of Aman all the time. Silently admiring his presence of mind and concern for her.

Just one thought kept running in her mind ... What did I ever do to deserve this man?

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