The Big Day!

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A/N : Hey my little muffins!

Sooo... I know many of y'all hated me for ending the book the way that I did in the last chapter. So to compensate for it, I wrote this bonus chapter about the wedding. ( Don't forget to look at the cover pic that I edited, it gave me all the feels!)

I am really sorry if you are disappointed cz its not the wedding you wanted it to be like, with Lilly in white dress walking down the isle and Aman standing there in a suit looking at her lovingly.

This is a typical Sikh style wedding in brief ( Or at least this is what I think how a Sikh wedding is! I am sorry if I committed any blunders!). I wrote it this way as I felt this is how Lilly's wedding will eventually be like! ;)

So no "I do's", No "You may kiss the bride", and No "First dance"!

P.S - This chapter was especially requested by EmilyCrocetti and Sherlock . Hope you guys like it!

Author's P.O.V :

"No no no... The big gold bangle comes after the red ones", said Sandy, Lilly's close friend and stylist, who was doing the last minute adjustments in Lilly's dress. Like she had promised, Lilly had asked Sandy to be the one to pick her wedding dress and accessories for her big day.

Lilly looked in the mirror while her make up artist, who was her cousin sister did some final touch ups. "Awww.... Look at my baby sister!", said Tina as she made cute funny faces at Lilly. 

"Lilly are you ready? Everyone from the groom side have arrived", said Lilly's dad as he came into the room with Lilly's mom coming in right after him. "Yes dad, I am ready", said Lilly and turned around. Lilly's dad stopped in his tracks as he saw Lilly standing all dressed up as a bride in front of him. 

"Where did the time fly?", said Lilly's mom as she came forward and adjusted her already perfectly set dress. "I can't believe my little girl is getting married", said Lilly's dad as her steeped forward, his eyes moist, and he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Gaaah! Stop it you guys! You will ruin my mascara!", smiled Lilly and gave them both a tight hug.

"Ready?", asked her dad as he put an arm around her. 

Lilly took one deep breath and nodded, "Yes... I am ready".


Aman took one last look at the mirror, adjusting his turban like he usually does. As per the rituals, his father had tied his turban, and though he had done an amazing job, Aman just couldn't stop himself from adjusting it again and again. He looked back to realize his favorite little girl, his niece Tanisha had been staring at him with a smile stuck on her face. She knew his uncle pretty well, and always made fun of him at how he always focused on his turban.

"So? How do I look?", winked Aman at Tanisha. He was wearing a cream colored sherwani (a traditional Indian attire for men usually worn on weddings), along with a red Turban.

"You look goooood", she gave a thumbs up and smiled, her innocent little smile which always melted Aman's heart. 

"Thank you darling", he said and kissed her cheek, "Lets go".


The day had finally arrived. The day that both Aman and Lilly had been waiting. Aman remembered the day that Lilly had popped the question in the hospital. How he was so surprised and his happiness knew no bounds. That was an extremely emotional moment. 

He recalled how he had then planned to make it official by announcing it one day in the restaurant on the day of Lilly's welcome back party. He had seen pure joy in the eyes of a surprised Lilly as he had gone on his knees and told her how amazing she was and how deeply he was in love with her and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Lilly had cried while everyone else, including Lilly's parents had cheered on as he slipped the ring on her finger.

He smiled at the memories of the countless nights they spent and thousands of texts and calls they made as they prepared for this big day. Lilly being her perfectionist self wanting everything to be a certain way. It was stressful, but he knew when he looked around at how beautiful everything looked and how happy everyone were, that it was all worth it.

"Ah there's my son-in-law! Doesn't he look so handsome", laughed Lilly's mom as she hugged Aman to welcome him along with his folks into the venue. Aman blushed as usual. He then was greeted By Lilly's father. Though all the family members were talking to Aman, his eyes kept drifting away looking for Lilly. He just couldn't wait to see his bride... His Bride... He couldn't help but smile when he thought about it.


Lilly waved at the camera grinning wide and blowing flying kisses to it . This camera was fixed to a drone which followed Lilly everywhere. This was her idea. She wanted TeamSuper to attend the wedding as she considered them her family so she had arranged to get the wedding on live stream and she couldn't be more happy about it.

This is it Lilly, wow, You are getting married!, Thought Lilly as she was escorted by her uncles to the dais. She felt someone hold her hand, she looked up to see it was Amar(her baby brother) who smiled reassuringly and put his arm around her. She took one deep breath and held on to her wedding dress a little too tightly trying to fight the nerves she was feeling right now. There is no going back from here, she said to herself and she could feel her heart race a little faster with each step she took. She slowly raised her head as she climbed the steps to the dais and then she saw him...

There he was, Amandeep Singh, The man she loved so much it would surprise her everyday. The man who made her know the depths of emotions that she had buried deep within her. The man who thought her about passion. The man whom when she saw right now, all her doubts, nerves, anxiety, fears.. everything just disappeared into thin air. The man who she knew she was meant to be with. He was her superman. And he was looking daaaym fine!

Aman was getting restless to see Lilly as he was sitting by himself, when her arrival to the stage was announced. He looked towards Lilly's direction and as soon as he saw her his breath hitched, his heart stopped and the world just slowed down. He had always imagined getting married to Lilly, imagined her walking to him in the traditional Indian bridal attire. He had thought that there wouldn't be much of a surprise to him when he would see her in reality in the dress. But he was wrong. Wrong at so many levels!

As Lilly walked slowly towards him he could neither take his eyes off her nor would blink, and everything around, everyone around them was just a blur. Lilly had chosen to wear a red lehenga ( A traditional Indian bridal wear) with golden embroidery work with beautiful jewelries to finish the get up. Their eyes met for a brief moment and in those few seconds they felt like they lived a lifetime, sharing all their feelings and emotions just through their eyes.

Aman and Lilly sat beside each other by the holy book, "Guru Granth Sahib" and the ceremony began.

As the versus from the holy book were recited explaining to them the stages of love and married life. Both Aman and Lilly silently made their own little promises to each other. They recalled how though had their share of hurdles and how time and again, fate had always played its tricks and made them drift apart just to bring them back together. Through these years of being on and off together, they had realized a valuable truth, that love is always stronger than fate...

By the end of the ceremony, everyone was a little too emotional. Lilly's and Aman's parents hugged and congratulated them while others wiped away tears of joy.

"Congratulations love birds! #Amilly is now soooo official!", Said Jaz as she laughed and hugged both of them, "So how does it feel to be Mr. and Mrs Singh???", she winked.

Lilly wiped a single tear off her face as she looked back at Aman whose welled up eyes showed happiness and love when he looked back at her. They both did not answer but just smiled. They knew that no amount of words could ever do justice in describing the feeling of eternal happiness they were feeling right now.

Mr. and Mrs. Singh! Wow... This was indeed a new beginning...

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