Chapter 15 : Lift up your head Princess

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Lilly's P.O.V :

After last night's party I was furious with Sandeep and had decided I had now had enough with his nonsense. But he being the annoying man that he is, came knocking at my door in the morning to 'explain' himself. I was still furious and wouldn't have any of his 'logical' explanations which kind of irritated him.

One thing led to another and soon enough we were in a heated argument. Me being a person who believes in 'one love', couldn't put up a good enough fight to his words. He told me many mean things calling me insensitive, incompetent and other things which was extremely hurtful to hear.

Sandeep continued yelling at me as I helplessly looked on when suddenly Aman walked into the room. I was surprised as he was supposed to be at the shoot. Aman and Sandeep then got into an argument and I saw a side of Aman I had never seen him before. The 'protective' side. The way he was ready to put a strong fight for me with Sandeep for treating me bad was actually heartwarming and also a little scary to see.

Once Sandeep left Aman held me as I cried and let it all out. I never realized how much emotions I had bottled up inside me for so long. I felt so much at home back in his arms again that I totally forgot we were not together.

After talking to Aman I realized where I had been going wrong in my career. I was so caught up in trying to save my channel and please everyone that I had forgotten the very motive of my channel was to be myself. I was so lost in the stress that I had lost the passion.

After our little moment Aman had told me that he was heading back to the shoot and asked me to accompany him as the Event Manager was asking for me. Though I was ready, I told him to wait in the lobby fifteen more minutes as I had a little 'thing' to do.

As he left my room I opened my suitcase, got out my clothes and changed. I wore my worn-out jeans, a white top with the words 'Like a bawse' written on it along with a black jacket and my sneakers. I let my hair loose and to finish the look I wore my Super snap-back. I took one look at the mirror and instantly smiled. "I missed you girrrlll", I told myself and winked.

I walked out to the lobby towards Aman who seemed to be engrossed in his phone. "Hey", I said and he looked up at me. He was grinning ear to ear now looking at me from top to bottom. "Welcome back Champ!", he said and I smiled.

On the way to the shoot, I couldn't help but smile at how Aman had not taken any advantage of my emotions earlier today. I was emotional, vulnerable, a mess, and he consoled me and motivated me. A smile was stuck on face all the while.

Until I reached the shoot.

We got down the cab and I looked ahead feeling nervous again. I was reminded of all those judgmental glares by everybody that I would be getting. I was standing there looking at the ground lost in thoughts when Aman whispered in my ear, "Lift up your head princess, if not the crown falls". I laughed and I looked at him I, he nodded giving me an encouraging smile. I took one deep breath and walked in gathering all my confidence.

When I walked in people looked at me the way that I had expected them to, but this time I didn't give an eff. I walked straight to the Event Manager and started to talk to him. I went on telling him my change of plans for the skit and other programs. He seemed puzzled by my sudden bout of enthusiasm.

"And yeah, one more thing, I wanted to have my own small segment in the video we are recording today", I told him. "Uh I think we are full Lilly, there isn't time for... uh.. your video in it..", he said.

"Ummm, yes there is time, We have a whole 3 and half minute space between Sophia's video and the Company promo, I will have my segment then", I said looking at him and then noting down my name in the script. "Uhh.. okay.. But what are you going to do? we have enough comedy content for the video", he said hesitantly.

"Ah don't worry, I am not doing a comedy content, I do motivational talks too remember?", I said while going through the schedule once again. I started to walk away when I heard him ask me "What are you going to talk about?".

I looked back, "Confidence", I winked and walked away.

I was noting down the final changes in the script when Anna walked into the room. "Hey Lilly, I like your new look", she smiled. "Thanks Anna, actually its my old look", I laughed, "And hey here, thanks, I don't need this now", I said giving her back her hair tie.

Everything was going well when finally it was my turn to record my segment of the video. As usual, everyone was there, and this time somehow more people who were not involved in this part of the campaign were also there and were intently looking at me, they seemed eager to see how I failed at this recording I guess.

Okay Lilly, this is it, think you are on stage and talking to your fans. I told myself.

"Waddup everyone its you giiirrrlll Superwoman! Real name Lilly Singh, and you may or may not know me but listen up, I assure you, that if you listen carefully, by the end of this video you will be up and ready to go rule the world! Now are you ready? Are you ready?? Of course you are ready!...."

I went on and didn't stop or do any double takes until the end... "One love superwoman that is a wrap aaaaannd Zoop!", I said and smiled.

Suddenly I head someone clap, then two others joined in and within seconds the whole crowd was clapping and cheering. I felt like I was back on stage again doing one of my talks for my teamsuper.

"That was awesome Lilly!", said my event manager and everyone else joined in. I noticed Aman watching me standing at a distance and I made my way to him.

"AMAN!! Did you see me speak??", I shrieked excited. "Yes Lill, you were awesome out there", he said with equal excitement. "Thanks to you!", I said and hugged him. As I pulled away I saw Anna standing near by looking at us and seemed a little disturbed.

"Ann! Did you hear Lill speak? She was awesome wasn't she?", Aman asked her excitedly. "Lill??", she said and then added, Yeah, I heard, you were good Lilly", she said, her voice didn't have usual enthusiasm.

"Thanks", I smiled at her and she gave back half a smile.

"You know what, I have an amazing idea, why don't we add a little spice to our song in the final show and include Lilly's rap along with your song?", Aman said sounding pretty impressed by his own Idea.

"Ummm, I don't think that's a good idea Aman-", I started to say but he cut me off. "Come on Lill, your rap songs were super-hit, and its going to make the audience go wild", he then looked at Anna, "Don't you think Ann? Like it will be cool, for the first time in history, a youtuber remix ft. Lilly Singh and Anna", he smiled wide.

"Ummm, yeah, we can try that, it will be good", she said. "Let me know when you ready to practice, I will be in the rehearsal room", she smiled and walked away.

"I dunno what's up with her, she seems a little low, but don't worry, she will come around. Now lets go select which of your raps will be good", he said and we left to the computer room.

I felt mixed emotions right now. I wasn't really sure where all this was going. And as far as Anna was concerned, I think I know exactly why she seemed low.

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