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Author's P.O.V :

"Mrs Singh!!!", yelled Aman as soon as he entered the house.

It had been two and half years since their wedding and they could not be more happier. From cute little things like finishing each other's sentences to making big life decisions, they had sailed through it with ease. They did had their share of little fights and arguments, but they always worked it out.

"Yes Mr. Singh?", said Lilly as she walked out of the kitchen grinning widely.

"Ah how many times have I told you not to keep your stuff scattered in the living room!", said Aman sounding a little annoyed.

Lilly just stood silently staring at him with a silly grin still stuck on her face.

"What? What's so funny? Why do you have your vision board here kept on the couch?", frowned Aman.

"Well if its bothering you so much then why don't you put it back to where it belongs?", said Lilly, still smiling wide.

Aman couldn't help but smile looking at her smile. He could never keep a serious face when Lilly would look all cute in front of him. "What's gotten into you!?", he shook his head as he took the vision board and head to Lilly's office while Lilly followed him right behind. They now lived in a bigger house in L.A, with each of them having a separate office. 

Aman walked into Lilly's office to find her vision board already in its place.

"What's this? You have two vision boards? Did you make a new one?", he asked a little surprised.

"Uh Huh", smiled Lilly.

"But why? You still haven't finished with everything in the old one yet", said a confused Aman.

"Well... I had to add an important thing to it", Lilly said and winked. 

Aman looked at the new vision board he held in his hand. It looked exactly like the old one. There was nothing new in it.

"What did you add, its just the same", he said as he kept staring at the board.

"Look carefully", said Lilly and pointed out to the two inter-winded wedding rings that where there at the corner, she had made that long ago which represented their wedding.

Aman's eyes widened, "Really????", he said as looked at Lilly.

Below the two little rings was a cute little cradle.

"Congratulations Mr. Singh..... You gonna be a papa!!"

As Fate Would Have It - Part 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now