Chapter : 30 : Unfolding the truth.

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Author's P.O.V :

"How did you know??" Asked Aman.

That was when Lilly broke down. The thing she dreaded the most was now happening.

"Oh my God", She said with her hands over her mouth as she sat down on the couch in shock, the threatening tears now flowing continuously down her cheeks.

"Lill... Lill please just listen to me...", said Aman as he kneeled down in front of her.

"A-Aman... Please tell me you are lying", she begged holding his hands in her.

"Lilly, I can explain...", he said, "No...", she said pulling her hand away. She rubbed her temple with her fingers.

"How... H-How could you Aman??", She whispered and cried.

"Lilly... Please don't cry... Just.. Please trust me with this", he said his eyes more scared and concerned, frightened even.

"Why Aman? Why did you do this?", she cried.

"I....", he struggled for words, "I can't tell you right now Lilly", he asked holding her hand in his.

"I just.. need be away from you for now...", she said and walked away to the bedroom and slammed the door behind her. He went behind her and stood by the door. He could hear her cry. His heart broke into a million pieces. But he knew he had to stay silent.




Two hours had gone by, Lilly was still sobbing in bed curved into a ball. Her head hurt really bad. She still could not believe Aman had done such a thing. She heard her phone ring and got up to attend the call. It was from the YouTube space.

"Hello Miss Singh? Is it a wrong time to call?", asked the Manager on the other end.

"No No.. Tell me", she said. Her voice all sore from crying for so long.

"I just called to inform you about the progress with your case Miss Singh. We have got a few important clues about the hacker today", He said and her heart sank to her stomach.

"Uh... Actually... Is it possible to just drop the case? I don't want to dwell on the whole 'who hacked my channel' thing. Now that I have got it back, can't we just leave it that way?", She asked.

Now that she knew Aman was behind all this, she did not want him to get caught. She just could not bring herself to give him away to the cops. She silently prayed that they would not find out about him.

"No Miss Singh! This is not just the question about your channel, its a threat to our whole website. We need to find the person. And with the clues that we have gathered, we will be able to track the person down by tomorrow, mostly by afternoon. So make your schedule free for tomorrow, we will call you as soon as we find out"

"Okay", She said before she hung up.

Now her heart was racing. Just thinking about the fact that Aman might get punished and might be put behind bars for this was scaring her. Hacking was a major crime, they would not let him go so easily.

She slowly walked out of the room to the living room. She suddenly had the urge to see him. He was sitting on the couch looking through his phone. His eyebrows knitted together, he looked stressed. She sighed a little louder than intended. He looked up to see her.

"Lill..", he said. Her breath hitched, her heart raced. She was reminded yet again about the fact that he got her channel hacked. He betrayed her trust. He put such bad things about her on the internet. She backed off her eyes fixed on him and tears threatening to flow out.

"Lilly listen..", he got up from the couch but she turned around and ran back to the bedroom. She locked the door before sliding down to sit on the floor. She was angry, hurt, confused and her mind was a complete mess. She did not know what to do.



The next day morning Lilly walked out of the bedroom. She had not slept at all the whole night and her eyes were puffed and red. Aman was not to be seen anywhere in the house. She noticed that he had slept on the couch as there was a pillow and a blanket still lying there. She frowned. Aman would never leave the sheets like that, he was very particular in folding them as soon as he woke up. This showed he had left in a hurry to some place.

She then went to the kitchen and stood by the counter for a long time. She was hungry but just could not get herself to eat. Her mind felt numb and she felt sick. She went back to the couch and sat there running her fingers on the soft pillow which laid there. She then hugged the blanket tightly to her chest and shut her eyes.

Lilly woke up to her phone ringing. She realized she had dozed off on the couch. She hurried to pick up the phone. It was from YouTube Space, they called to inform her that they had tracked down the hacker and asked her to come to the space immediately.

She panicked. Aman was still nowhere to be seen. May be he ran away? she thought which kind of hurt her but in another way she felt relieved that he might be safe somewhere.

She freshened up and left to YouTube space. She parked her car in the space and got down to find Aman standing there in the parking lot.

"Aman..? she said as she approached him, "Why are you here?", she asked.

"Yeah I just came out for fresh air... I will go back inside in a minute", he said taking a deep breath. He looked nervous.

"No... No No, you need to go.. Go away from here", she said and he looked at her puzzled.

"What?"he asked confused.

"Aman please go... run away... Or else they will... they will put you jail", she said now freaking out. She did not know what she was saying and if made any sense at all but she just could not see him as a criminal.

"Hey!!", he said holding her by her shoulder, "I will be fine, they won't put me in jail"

"No Aman, its a crime... You don't realize. You will get into trouble", she said now panicking.

"Lilly baby listen up! I hav-", his words were cut off by his phone ringing.

"Hello?.... Yes Yes I am on my way", he said before he hung up then he turned towards her. "They are calling me in", He smiled and walked inside.

She watched him walk away as she stood there still unsure what she should do. She then finally went in herself.

They made her wait for a while before calling her inside the office.

"Ah!! You are here Miss Singh.", the manager grinned, "We are happy and relieved to inform you that we have caught the person behind all this episode", he said. She just nodded.

"And I believe you know this man personally", he said, "Would you like to meet him once?"

She did not know how to react to that. She just stood there struggling to breathe and stay calm.

"This way Miss Singh", he said as he took her to another room.

She entered the room with her head down. She was afraid to look. Look at the man that she loved so much now probably in handcuffs. She took a deep breath before she slowly raised her head.

When she looked up... Her eyes widened and she gasped...

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