Chapter 21 : Moving on from the past.

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Aman's P.O.V :

After getting out of the house I took my car and drove to the nearby cafe. I ordered some pancakes and coffee as I was hella hungry. I sat there for a long time trying to calm myself down. I was still angry, but I couldn't figure out at what my anger was directed to. I kept going back to the conversation Lilly and I had had in the morning and I got even more angrier everytime I thought about it.

My behavior was unacceptable, I should not have snapped at her like that. But she was being unreasonable so I had no choice. My mind was basically a mess right now and I needed to talk to someone, but I couldn't get anyone in my mind. The only one I used to confide in was Lilly.

The only other person I could think of was Anna. But she had stopped talking to me since the campaign. It was as if she was a changed person ever since. I sat there for two hours until I got a call from my assistant asking me to come to the office for a meeting.

I could hardly concentrate in the meeting. My thoughts kept drifting back to Lilly and I kept getting zoned out. I had to stop the meeting in between letting them know I was unwell and re-schedule it for another time. I walked to a nearby empty room in the office and settled there for the rest of the day doing some paperwork to keep myself occupied.

As the day passed by I realized more and more as to what an idiot I had been. There was a gradual realization of how wrong I was. How I had blamed her for things when I had no idea what she had been through. I had accused her of being the selfish one and walking away from me and never bothered to ask her why she left in the first place.

I had not given her a chance to tell her story and blamed her for not listening to mine instead. I was the selfish one, to think about my situation rather than hers and I was truly disappointed with myself for my behavior.

By evening I was a mess. All the time alone by myself got me figure out where I had gone wrong. I had asked her if she was not sure, and if she was having second thoughts, where in reality it was I who had been fighting with my own thoughts. Though I had never admitted to myself, it was I who had not been a hundred percent sure about us being together. But that was not the case anymore, I was completely sure now. In these couple of hours I had realized that being with Lilly was what had got me back my lost happiness. I felt complete with her and no matter how much I would try I would never find another person who was so perfect foe me as her.

It then dawned to me that it might be a little late now to patch up things. The words I had told her this morning must have made an irreparable damage and it was scaring me.

I took out my phone thinking to call her immediately, but I noticed that my phone had died due to no battery. Ahhh I should have charged it, I muttered under my breath. It then struck me to go to her home and talk to her face to face. After I had told her to go back to her place in the morning which I cursed myself for doing to her, I desperately hoped that she would give me one last chance to explain myself.

I hurried out of the office towards my car, I had to reach there fast. When I finally reached her apartment I rang her door bell a couple of times and waited for a long while. A sudden scary thought started to fill my mind as my heart began to race. Did she go back to Toronto? My heart sank as I figured out she must have gone back to Toronto. And i kicked myself for putting her in such a situation again. My phone being dead I couldn't even check if she had left me a message or called me before she left.

I drove back to my home feeling heartbroken and disappointed. How I had lost her and got her back just to lose her again, due to my own insecurities.

I entered my apartment with my head hung low drained out emotionally when I hear the familiar voice.


I looked up to see Lilly standing right in front of me, in the same clothes (PJ's and a loose top) that she wore in the morning. I couldn't believe my eyes.

She never left. She stayed back... And I had thought I had lost her again.

"Lill..", I said as I walked towards her.

"Wait Aman, please, before you say anything, can you hear me out once", she said her eyes pleading while my heart raced. I just nodded as I was scared to even talk anything right now.

"Aman... what I did to you was wrong. I broke our promises, I left you, I went away without even giving you a chance to talk. I hurt you Aman, I broke your heart. And I can never forgive myself for that"

"Lill please-"

"Please let me finish Aman", she said as she continued, "I can not repair the past Aman, I can not undo the hurt that I caused you... But all I can do is, treasure what I have right now, and promise you that I will never hurt you ever again", her voice was breaking but she still continued while my heart broke to see how I had hurt her with my harsh words and put her in this state.

"Aman I love you... I have seen how my life is without you.. and its not the life that I want. I have been lucky to have you back after I almost lost you once. And I will give my all, and fight till my last breath for our relationship to work", tears streamed down her face but her eyes showed so much love.

I could not hold it anymore, seeing her cry like this, it was impossible for me to just stand there and listen. I walked up to her.

"I know its difficult for you to trust me now..", she stopped as I gently touched her cheeks and wiped away her tears with my thumb. "I am sorry Aman-"... "Shhhh... Lill..", I said as I hugged her, now feeling a single tear trickle down my face.

"I am sorry Lill... I shouldn't have said all those things to you", I said kissing her forehead as I pulled away. "And I love you so damn much", I said and she looked at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope, relief and a lot of love. I leaned in and gently pressed my lips to hers kissing her every so slowly, taking in the fact that I had her in my arms when I had almost thought I lost her.

"And yeah...", I said in between the kiss, "I trust you.. more than I trust myself". I could feel her smile in between the kiss and she gently slid her arms around my neck and tilted her head deepening the kiss. I suddenly felt of intense passion and happiness fill my heart as I slid my hands around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

I smiled at how content I felt with her in my arms. How I felt the passion being reborn with every passing second as our lips moved in sync.. It was as if, I found my way to paradise again...

(To be Continued??) ;)

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