Chapter 28 : The mystery man

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Author's P.O.V :

Lilly sat in silence listening intently to every word spoken by everyone as they put out their inputs on the incident. They were all sitting around a round table. Lilly Sarah and Aman sat together, along with two people from YouTube, two people from the cyber police and few other people she did not recognize.

"So all that we have established so far is that the person who hacked was not from this industry, as his/her editing skills seem bad. And if they were to be from the YouTube or internet industry they would know that all they had to do to harm your career was to delete all the videos than to play such a gimmick by posting something like this", one of the cyber police people said.

"Yes but this person is smart, as they have very tactfully done this leaving minimal clues behind. This person has hacked your account in a cyber cafe, choosing one which had no CCTV cameras, and also has not opened any other mails or windows other than the fake ones in the computer that they used", said yet another man from the cyber police.

"Do you suspect anyone in particular Miss Singh? Anyone in mind who could be behind this?", asked the manager from YouTube.

"No, I really cant think of anyone right now. I do have a lot of haters, because of the nature of my job. But none I can point out to", Lilly said.

The meeting went on for another hour and then there were many formalities to be done at the YouTube office. Aman stayed by Lilly all this while and though she had insisted he should go back home and continue with his work he had chosen to be with her. He knew that though she would never admit it, she needed him to be by her side.

By the time Sarah dropped Aman and Lilly back home they were exhausted. They thanked Sarah as she left and then finally entered their house. Aman cooked some simple dinner and they settled in bed soon without talking much. Aman had tried to talk to Lilly but she was consumed in way too many thoughts.

It was way beyond mid night when Aman stirred in his sleep. He was about to drift back to sleep when he heard a little sob. He looked for Lilly who was sitting at the foot end of the bed with her back facing him and looking through her phone. He slowly made his way to her and noticed she was going through her twitter mentions and silently crying looking at all the hate in the internet. His heart broke at the sight.

"Hey..", he said as he gently slid one arm around her from behind and took the phone away from her with his other hand. "Stop torturing yourself Lill...", he said gently rubbing her shoulder. She sobbed as she wiped her tears away with her sleeve. "Did you see what everyone is talking about me now...", her voice trailed out as tears kept streaming down her face. "No I didn't. And you shouldn't too. Aren't you the one who always say, 'focus on things that matter to you'?", he asked her gently holding her hand. "Hmmm... ", she said and nodded.

"Promise me you won't look at all those hate comments. At least not for now?", he asked her gently tilting her face towards him. She nodded, "I promise".

"Okay come on, lets get some sleep", he said and settled in bed along with her, gently stroking her hair laying awake beside her until her was sure she was sound asleep. "Good night love", he whispered and kissed her head and he too now drifted off to sleep.

Lilly's P.O.V :

Today I was feeling a little better as I woke up, getting a little diverted from all the mishap that happened yesterday. Aman kept me occupied by talking all the while and getting me involved in making breakfast and small things like that. But by the afternoon my mind started get a little disturbed again as I had to answer some calls from the YouTube office and attend to some emails that they had sent.

I had tweeted to my followers informing them that my channel was hacked and I will get back to my videos and explain the situation later on. Other than that I avoided looking into any social media.

I then went to the YouTube space again, as they had called me for another round of discussion about some 'clues', that they had found. Sarah told me that these meetings will go on for another few days until they found the hacker. Though it was a little disturbing to go over the matter again and again, I had no choice but to sit through it. It was especially difficult when they would show me clips from the video that the hacker had posted to check for any clues.

I had asked Aman not to come along with me today as I knew he had work to do, and I was sure enough that I could manage this on my own.

I came out of the YouTube space after everyone else left, glad that it was over and walked to my car to find a note stuck to my car.

It said, "I know who got your channel hacked - Your wellwisher"

I was a little confused. I looked around to find nobody there. I decided to show this paper to the cyber police people the next day. I drove home stopping by to get some groceries on the way.

I was getting down the car to enter my apartment when I got call. It was a private number, I hesitated a little before receiving the call.


"Oh hello there Lilly Singh!! How have you been?", said a man with a muffled voice.

"Ummm, Sorry do I know you?", I asked

"I hope you got the note I wrote to you...", The man said and I suddenly remembered the note I found on my car.

"Who are you? And how do you know who hacked my account?", I asked a little nervous now.

"I will tell you.. But you will never believe me..", He said


"Because this person is very close to you... Or rather pretends to be very close to you...", He said now getting me a little annoyed. Why isn't he just saying it.

"Hey can you just-"

He cut the call leaving me a little furious. I ignored it and went home. I walked in straight to check for Aman but found him doing a new illustration. He was so immersed in it that he did not even realize I had come home. I decided not to disturb him with my sorry stories and cook dinner instead just to keep myself busy.

I was done with making dinner and arranged that table. I was waiting for Aman when I got a call. It was the private number again. Ugh....


"Hello Lilly! So did you guess who it is yet?", he chuckled. I was getting annoyed with his muffled voice.

"Can you please tell me who it is?", I said politely hoping this would make him tell me sooner.

"Okay, if you insist.... The person who got your channel hacked... His name is... Amandeep Singh...".

A/N : Hello my lovely Amilly shippers! ;)

I am really sorry if this story is sounding very unrealistic lately. I just thought to put in a different idea and I can see its not really coming out that well.

Somehow this story is not turning out the way I wanted it to. And may be its because I am not feeling the story anymore. My creativity had gone down the drain. My brain is not working anymore - no brains - #UpstairsEmpty !! ;)

I will try finishing off this part of the story and either end it or out it on hold until I get back my old flow of thoughts. ;)

Once again, thanks a lot for all the love and support you people constantly show me. I am forever indebted.


Emotional Wreck...

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