Chapter 29 : Was it you?

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Lilly's P.O.V :

"Okay, if you insist.... The person who got your channel hacked... His name is... Amandeep Singh...".

The man's words left me shocked.

"What rubbish!", I said now positive that this was some sort of a prank.

"Haha! Did I not say that you wont believe me?", he chuckled.

"Of course I don't believe you. Because its a lie. Aman would never do that.", I said. The nerve of this guy to blame Aman.

"I understand, its difficult to accept betrayal from your boyfriend. Especially when the man is so good at the game of playing an innocent lover", he said. I was taken aback. A very few people knew that we were dating.

"Please do not waste my time with all this rubbish. And don't call me again to tell such stupid stories", I said furiously. I had now had enough.

"Alright. I will not. But just listen to one thing I say. Tonight your man will get a call, at 8:00pm. He is planning his next move on you", He said in a weird whispering sort of way which creeped me out. He then disconnected the call leaving me all confused and angry.

"Hey love... everything alright?", I heard Aman say walking towards me to the balcony.

"Mmmm, yeah, I guess", I said, I don't know why but I didn't tell him about the call.

"Come check out my new illustration", he said pulling my hand and taking me to his work room.

"Wow Aman... Its beautiful", I say. He had made a beautiful illustration of yet another artist with their pieces of their work reflecting in the background in many colors.

We both stood there for a while appreciating some details of this piece before heading to dinner.

"I have the day off tomorrow, may be we can go somewhere, like the beach or something, just to take your mind off things", He said placing his hand on mine. I smiled and nodded. "Sure... we will go".

My eyes drifted to the clock. It 5 minutes past 8. I smiled at how stupid I was to take a call from an unknown number seriously.

"You know what Aman, a funny thing happened today... I got a call from thi-", I was talking when his phone rang and my heart stopped.

"Excuse me", he said and went out to attend the call. I stared back at him. Aman would never do that. He would usually talk right beside me unless we were in a noisy environment. I sat there waiting for him to come back as a million thoughts and different possibilities flooded my mind.

He finally came back after around five minutes or so. "Hey sorry about that", he said as he settled down on the chair beside me again. "So you were saying something?".

"Ummm... nothing important Aman... By the way, who was that on phone?", I asked trying to sound casual.

"Ah.. it was from.. umm work", he said now looking down and trying to concentrate on his food.

From work? He would never be that vague. I knew everyone from his team, he would usually take the name of the person. And why did he go out to attend the call if it was from work?

"What about work?", I asked again.

"Umm... Nothing, Just stuff. By the way, you have improved a lot in your cooking you know that? May be someday you will be better than me too", he tried to joke and change the topic. I just laughed along and ate the rest of my food mostly in silence.

Aman was back at his work room immersed in his computer while I sat on the couch lost in thoughts.

Of course he would never do such a thing like getting my account hacked. But why did he lie to me about the call? What was hiding??

My phone rang. It was the private number again. I took a deep breath before answering it.


"So now do you believe me dear?", the man chuckled.

"No. I don't. He didn't do it. That call was from his work. Please don't call me again", I said, now a little unsure of my words myself.

"Hmmm. Okay.. I won't bother you anymore. But one last thing. Tomorrow your man will go to meet the guy whom he had paid to get your channel hacked. I know you will thank me for letting you know about it later on. So you are welcome in advance", the man chuckled before he hung up leaving me more disturbed than I already was.

I just went to the bedroom and laid down on the bed. I was too confused and overwhelmed to think about any of this. Nothing was making any sense right now. I kept waking up most of the night.


I woke up the next day in at noon feeling groggy because of the disturbed sleep. I got fresh and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat as I was starving. Aman being a sweetheart had kept some breakfast already prepared for me on the kitchen counter. I smiled as I hogged all the food and went around looking for him. He was sitting at his desk working on his computer.

"Hey baby...", I said as I approached him. "Hey you are up!", he said. He seemed a little startled and immediately closed the window on his computer which seemed a little weird. I brushed the thoughts aside and sat with him. "Thanks for the breakfast", I smiled and he smiled back.

"So when are we going to the beach ?", i said a little excited to spend some time off this messed up situation.

"Oh.. About that.. well.. I just got a call, I have a meeting at 4.. so we will have to cancel the plans for beach", He stuttered.

"What meeting?", i asked, hoping he would not give a vague answer again.

"Umm... A new project. We are working on it. I will let you know when I get back", he said. I stayed silent. Somehow everything seemed too suspicious and my mind was messing with me right now.

I decided to work on my emails to take my mind off things and left his room.

It was half an hour since Aman had left for his meeting and I notice he had left his Tab back in his room. I presumed he might need it for his work and called him up to check. He cut the call.

I figured out he was busy and called his assistant instead.

"Hello George?, can you please tell Aman he left his tablet behind for the meeting. I will come give it if he need it right now.", I said.

"Hey Lilly, Aman is not here, and as far as I know there is no meeting today.", he said sounding confused. My heart stopped and I started to feel nauseous.

"Oh.. Okay. I got a little confused. Sorry about that. Bye", I said and hung up.

I sat down feeling a little giddy. A wave of nausea hit me and I felt like I would throw up any moment.

So whatever the man told me over phone was true... Aman had lied to me... What if he was the one who got my channel... Hacked??

I rushed to the kitchen to get some water to drink.





Another hour went by and Aman returned home looking a little exhausted. I stood in the living room waiting for him.

"Aman where had you been?", I said, trying to be as calm as possible.

"Uh?? Meeting..?", he said looking confused.

"Aman please... Don't lie to me. I know you didn't go to any meeting. Can you please tell me where you went?", I asked, it being even more difficult to stay composed with each passing second.

"I don't get you..", he said, his voice low and unsure.

"Aman... I... I got to know that you went to meet the man whom you had paid to hack my channel. I refuse to believe it... Please tell me its a lie...", I said now tears threatening to run down my face. I saw how his expression changed and the color drain from his face.

"How did you know??" he asked.

I broke down.

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