Chapter 33 : The Surprise!

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Aman's P.O.V :

It had been a a month and a half since Lilly's account had got hacked. A lot had happened since then. Lilly's channel had grown more and more famous, her subscriber count was raising at a phenomenal rate and her name was everywhere on the internet. The incident which was intended to get her away from YouTube actually did more good than harm to her.

But like we had discussed, revealing or relationship to the public had the consequences that we had always feared. There were more posts about us on the internet than ever before. Not just the ones where they showed little montages of me and Lilly looking cute together and a romantic song playing in the background, and all those lovey-dovey edits.. Actually we loved those and had even downloaded some of them for ourselves.

The other types of posts were the problem, the ones where whenever I was seen with any female other than Lilly or Lilly was seen with any man it would be highlighted so much that it would literally get on our nerves at times. And our pictures taken at unflattering angels making it seem like we were in 'compromising' positions while we were far from even holding hands in reality.

Then there were the annoying questions during the interviews. Even after repeatedly telling the interviewer nit to ask any personal questions before the start of the interview, they would still dwell deep into our love life and try getting some juicy gossip out, which was stressful.

All said and done, after a little while, both Lilly and I had gotten used to all the fuss about the relationship thing, and had now learnt to manage the attention. So we hardly got affected.

We took two week break from work earlier this month and had both gone back to our respective homes that is Toronto and London. It had been a long while since I had seen my folks back home so it was an emotional re-union. They were tears, there were laughter, there were hugs and kisses... I missed Lilly immensely while I was at home which was pretty evident to my parents as I spoke about her all the time. My family knew Lilly and they also knew we were dating. They had called to talk to her a couple of times and now my mum and Lilly were pretty close.

It had been a week since we both had returned back from our respective hometowns like planned. For the first time in ages I had not felt as sad to leave home. I had spent the past whole week preparing for a surprise that I had planned for Lilly and was waiting for a certain something to happen so as to execute the plan. And tonight was the the night. I couldn't be more excited.

I didn't let Lilly get even a little hint of all the things I had been doing to make this day special. Call it my smooth tactics or my pure good luck but she had not been even a bit suspicious. Lilly would usually see through my lies whenever I planned something for her but this time she didn't.

I had woken her up early today and made Sarah schedule a meeting early in the morning so she would be busy. She had then come back only to be given yet another set of errands by me. By the time it was late afternoon she was exhausted as I had planned so she went to take a nap and I fist pumped in air the moment she closed the bedroom door. Now was my chance to 'make the arrangements'. :)

Lilly's P.O.V :

"Lill? Lilly... Wake up baby...", I heard a dist and voice.

I slowly opened my eyes to Aman's gentle touch on my cheek. I had slept really well and woke up smiling seeing the man of my dreams present in my reality.

"Aren't you hungry baby? You haven't had anything since breakfast", he said as I sat up on the bed.

"Yeah I am starving", I said suddenly realizing I actually was hungry.

"Then please go get ready love... I will take you some place special tonight", he smiled. I wasn't really in the mood of going out, after the long day that I had spent mostly outdoors. But looking at him I felt bad to say no so I was polite and said yes.

"What kind of place is it? Casual or fancy? Like is it a, 'I should wear a dress' type of place?", she asked hopping out of the bed. I just hoped he wouldn't say some place fancy as I wasn't in the mood to wear heels!

"No... Actually you can wear whatever you want. It is more like, 'Wear your favorite outfit' type of place", he grinned.

"Common Aman... You pretty well know my favorite outfit is track pants and a top", I laughed.

"Exactly", he smiled, "I have chosen your outfit for you", he handed me my pair of track pants and my favorite colorful top, "And no need of any makeup". I stared at him in disbelief. It was when his expression did not change that I actually knew he was not joking. I took the clothes from him wondering what this man had planned.

I was about to walk to the washroom when he said, "And yes... Another thing... No checking your social media or phone until I allow you to". I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Don't worry, this time I have my phone on loud and I have asked Sarah and your parents to contact me in case of an emergency", he smiled. I just shook my head and smiled before I went to the washroom.

I came out of the shower wearing the track pants and top that Aman had chosen. I then put some moisturizer, and my favorite strawberry chapstick. I did not apply any makeup like Aman had told me not to, which I was more than happy to follow as I had no patience left in me to go through all the struggle. On any given day, I would be more than happy to dress up for him, but tonight I just felt like being my lazy self and chilling with him. But before I left the room I sprayed some Aman's favorite perfume because why not??

When I walked out of the bedroom I saw there were rose petals on the floor at the bedroom door going all the way to the dining area. As I walked towards the dining area I saw my favorite scented candles lit by the table and Aman standing there wearing a plain white fitted Tee and black tracks along with a black bandanna looking hot as eff! He had one hand behind his back as if he was hiding something.

"Welcome ma lady!" Said Aman stretching his hand which was not behind his back out to me as I walked towards him.

I gave him my hand and he gently pulled me towards him and looked at the table.

I followed his gaze and saw on the table there was a beautiful cake with candles of the number 15 lit and my laptop on the side with my channel's main page opened up. Kept neatly on the other side was my vision board.

"Congratulations on the first achievement of your new vision board Lill... Congratulations on 15 million subscribers", he whispered in my ears and pulled out a beautiful bouquet of white Lilly flowers with his other hand.

Oh my God!

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