Chapter 37 : Stay with me...

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Lilly's P.O.V :

Aman dropped me at the YouTube space on his way back and I went straight to the meeting room. Sarah, my manager, had gotten all the papers ready. This was a huge company, and getting this project would mean that I wouldn't have to worry about finding new ones for a long long while after it.

By the time the meeting started, I was not feeling too well, I was constantly sweating and was feeling feverish. I was afraid I was coming down with the flu. It always happens with me, when I get too stressed and overwork myself, I tend to fall sick. I was struggling to stand but I somehow still managed to do a great job at the meeting and got the project finalized. 

I was ecstatic but it didn't show much on my face as I was feeling equally sick. Sarah was worried about me, so she canceled the next meeting and dropped me home instead.

"Hey..", I said feeling exhausted as I entered home. 

Aman was busy on the computer, but when he saw me he immediately came up to me, his eyebrows knitted and his voice concerned, "Hey love, you alright? You seem unwell..", he took my bag and put his arm around me taking me to the couch.

"I don't know babe... maybe I am going to be sick. I think I will sleep for a while", I said, now I had started developing cough also. This was some really bad virus.

"Sure love, I will get you some medicines. You take rest for a bit. I will make soup for you when you wake up", he said. I just nodded. I was too tired to even move. Aman took me to the bedroom,helped me change and tucked me into bed. 

"You will be fine love, sleep well", he said as he kissed my forehead.

I remembered I had to call my parents and sister to wish them a happy journey as they would be leaving today for the long vacation. But I was too tired to do that so I convinced myself I would call them when I woke up.
I drifted off to sleep...


I suddenly woke up sweating and feeling a little out of breath. I checked the time, I had hardly slept for twenty minutes. I was feeling so nauseous, like I would throw up any moment. I struggled to get out of bed, it was quite a task to get to the bathroom as I was really giddy. I sat down by the toilet and within seconds I started to throw up. 

Once I was done I was even more exhausted than earlier. I somehow managed to get up, flush the toilet and wash my face. I knew I had to go to the hospital as this did not seem like the usual flu. I was having these sudden bouts of coughing fit and it was increasingly painful every single time. My chest was feeling a little congested and It was now a little difficult to breathe.

I was wondering where Aman was as he would have usually come to enquire listening to me cough so much. I walked out the room to check if he was in his work room when I noticed he was standing in the balcony painting an illustration and listening to music with headphones on. Aaaghh... 

I had walked half the way towards him when I started feeling really giddy. I held on to the wall for support but I knew I wouldn't be able to for long so I got down on my knees and leaned on to the wall for support. "Aman...", I tried to call out but my voice was too weak and sore. My head was reeling and I noticed there were rashes starting to develop on my arms. I got a little worried. I had to get Aman's attention. I tried calling out to him again but I had yet another painful coughing fit.

Aman's P.O.V :

Lilly had not been feeling well and when she doesn't feel well my mind goes crazy with worry, even if its just a fever. I tucked her in bed and decided to do my illustration during the time she sleeps as otherwise I would go nuts worrying. I played some good songs and got to work in the balcony to divert myself.

I was humming along the song when I thought I heard some noise. It sounded like Lilly coughing. I thought I was imagining things so I ignored it. I lowered the volume just in case. That's when I heard her cough again. I turned around and was shocked to see Lilly on her knees leaning on to a wall looking sick as hell.

"Lilly! Oh my God...", I said as I ran towards her.

I got down on my knees and held her, "Baby what happened?", I saw her arms were covered with multiples rashes.

"Aman.. take me to... the... H-Hospital", she whispered. She seemed to be having trouble breathing. I picked her up and carried her to the couch making her sit down resting her head back.  I could hear my phone ringing repeatedly in the background but I ignored it.

"Just wait here baby... I will get the keys, we will be at the hospital soon", I said and hurried to my room to get my keys, wallet and phone. As soon as I picked up my phone it started ringing again, it was George. 

"Hello George I am in the middle of an emergency, can I call you back later?", I said in a hurry.

"Aman listen.. Is Lilly okay?", he asked. I was confused.

"No.. She isn't. I think she has the flu, I am taking her to hospital right now, but how do you know?", I asked surprised.

"Oh my God Aman, call the Ambulance. NOW", he said and my heart started racing.

"Why??", I asked, scared with where this was going.

"My daughter Cindy might have accidentally given her some poisonous berries. They are very dangerous Aman,  kind of fatal. Take her to the hospital immediately. I will join you there soon, I am leaving home right now", he said and cut the call.

My heart sank to my stomach, I was too shocked. I immediately called the Ambulance telling them about the poisoning. I told them our address and ran to Lilly. She was now lying on the couch and looked completely drained out of energy.

"Lilly.. baby you will be fine, I have called the Ambulance, they will be here soon", I said as I kneeled down by her side and held her hand. She was struggling to breath and coughing continuously. She then suddenly closed her eyes as if in pain and placed her hand on her chest. Tears streamed down her eyes. She was in too much pain and I just could not bear seeing her this way.

"Baby just a few minutes more, they will be here... Okay??", I kept saying, as I stroked her head and wiped her tears. "Do you need water? Lill?", I asked and she just shook her head gesturing a no. I felt so bad that I was unable to do anything right now.

Her breathing became shallower and slower while her eyes slowly started to droop.

"Lilly? No No.. NO LILLY!! Don't sleep. Baby please...", I said and shook her face. I heard the Ambulance siren at a distance. "Baby they are here! You hear that?... Lill please... stay with me, just... please open your eyes...", I cried and then she completly stopped breathing.

"LILLY!! BABY.. PLEASE! NO!", I cried louder, tears streaming down my face as I was shaking her. 

...She did not move... She did not breathe...

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