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The mansion was silent, no noise was being dragged around, no screams of pains being drawn out from room to room ..nothing simply silence only filled the building.

Yoongi and Jimin were the only two people left while NamJoon,  J-hope and Jin were out from work but they knew they weren't alone. Two dying twins were locked up starving to death and they could feel time is running out for them, they could die any minute if they don't do anything.

Even though there not chefs the two boys cooked as many food they could create and brought it up to there rooms. But there's one problem..the door is locked up which the two don't have the key to open it.

"You stay here I'll go in his office and find the key" says Yoongi.

He handed Jimin the plates of food while he waits for his hyung to return.

Yoongi headed to Jins office, pulling out drawers to scanning around his tables, he fixed up his desk neatly so Jin wouldn't suspect a thing, minutes passed by and no sign of keys anywhere. He puff in exhaustion putting both hands on his hips as he tries to think of other ways where Jin would place the keys.

Seconds later his head dinged in response. He marched to the office bathroom pulling out the drawers and to his cheerful state was a box, he picked it up and clicked the button making the case lift up.

In his view there were many keys but luckily there were names on the it making easier to know which one fits the doors. He then picked up a rusty grey one and placed it his pocket then ran back to Jimin.

"Hyung what took you so long" whined Jimin.

"I couldn't find it in his office but it was in the bathroom drawer" he explained.

He fished out the key and stabbed it in the key hole. They opened the door and stepped inside.

They were stunned at the horrifying image of the two kids laying helplessly on the ground. Their bones were sticking out while their fragile skins are slowly deflating from their bodies. Yoongi dropped to the floor and crawled over to them, flipping their bodies over. There eyes were close and it hit them a bit thinking that they're already dead little creatures.

Yoongi placed his ears on their chest trying to decipher if they're still breathing and to his amazement they were.

"They're alive..but we have to take them to the hospital" Yoongi says.

"Hyung but if they're in the hospital won't Jin find out?!" Jimin ask frantically.

"I'll deal with him myself ..besides he won't go in here. So he won't find anything weird"

Jimin only nodded and placed the meals on the counter picking up Mason while Yoongi picked up Layda.

The four drove to a near by hospital. Once inside the nurses rushed the two kids to the check up rooms while they wait for a real doctor.

While waiting impatiently Yoongi was also in a panic state that Haneul was no where to be found. She was gone since yesterday and only now she wasn't around with him. He called and texted every second and every minute but she hasn't picked up her phone.

He wondered why she would leave without telling him, and if it's something to do with Jin, he won't allow her to be in such a fight..not with him.

He called again but with another voice mail he cuss underneath his breath. He left a message telling her to return home and that he was worried about her, her kids missed her allot and he hopes she's safe out there.

He then got interrupted when Jimin yelled his name over marching to his direction where Jimin and a grasshopper looking doctor was talking to him.

"You look like an insect" Yoongi snorted. Jimin on the other hand bursted out into laughter agreeing what his hyung said.

"Right right? Something green and small" Jimin chuckles some more.

The doctor gave them a poker face and when they were not looking he pulled out his clip board and hit them on both their heads giving them grunting sound.

"Enough with the jokes.. would you like to know about the kids or not?" He ask seriously. The two quit horsing around and nodded in response.

The doctor told them that the twins have been starving to death, luckily he complimented on the boys for bringing the kids sooner, if not they didn't, they could've died today or tomorrow. The twins had to stay in hospital in order for them to get better, the doctors will examine their strengths and eating habits everyday, so for now all they need are some good meals and rest and soon enough the twins will be running around like they used to.

The two boys sigh in relief knowing that they'll be their old self in no time. They would go back but just in case anything bad happens to the twins it'll be their fault, with the doctors permission they stayed over sleeping next to the kids, while they took turns scanning to see if there are men that'll be coming their way.

It may sound paranoid but everywhere they go they've either been followed or been spied on. For now all they can do is wait.

While Jimin is sleeping Yoongi stayed awake still trying to keep contact with Haneul but not only her, he wondered where V has gone off to.. and where exactly did they take him?


V followed the girl in a nurse uniform as she took him to a different location.

As they walked he noticed that every wall was white, no picture frame no writings just pure white. He didn't ask why this place is the way it is all he wanted was to go in a private location and speak to the girl.. he needed answers.

When they turned right many patients were there, lying on the floor while nurses and doctors struggles to pick them up, some walks around talking to themselves and some tries to touch him. He would push the patients off giving them a glare and they would only grin in response.

It then clicked to him that he wasn't just in a hospital..it was a mental institution..the place where he met Jungkook and the rest. It was meant for the criminally insane, the creepiest to the horrifying people, this place was the birthplace of all psychopaths. He grew up here with his six friends that are now his brothers and one in particular is so damn off.

"Here is your new room V" the girl spoke causing V to flinched at her metallic voice.

Once stepping inside, it was as if he just went to a time travel program and have been placed there, he's living his nightmares all over again except he has someone to accompany his nightmares with him.

Before the girl could leave he pulled her inside shutting the door close.

"What the hell is your problem? I'm calling security" she says taking out her walkie talkie.

He realize that this girl in front of him is definitely Areum. He just wants to hear her say it even her last name that way he'll know she still his wife. Her acting skills are pretty impressive, he could see right through her lies so many questions and she's here to fill in the bucket.

"What's your name?" He says.

She didn't dare say it as she kept refusing to spill her name out. V tried and tried over and over to get her to speak but nothing was working till he had an idea. He knows this time she won't protest; she is his wife after all.

He walked closer and closer finally reaching the end of the wall as her back was against it.

V tilted his head with a smirk, he smacked both hands on the wall caging her from his body.

She looked away biting her lower lip.

"Areum please tell me what is going on?"

V lifted up her chin to look at him, she was already crying, she instantly pulled him into her arms as he did the same weeping in his chest. She pushed him off a bit and glanced at V.

"I too myself have no idea what's going on..but for one thing I know is that Jungkook and Lynn are about to punished severely"

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