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Jin slammed his hands on the wooden pine table causing a picture frame to topple down. After viewing the footage of Jungkook rubbing the stain off of Lynn and accusing her as his wife something must be done quickly and silently.

This whole plan of his can be completely abolish in just couple of months, after hours of preparing vile medicine for the youngsters he can not have that girl ruin the fun.

"So what do we do now sir? Making Jungkook back to being a killer probably isn't such a good idea..I mean it could kill him" Xiumin spoke up, he gulped putting his head down thinking about accidentally blurting out the outcome to all this.

Jin glared at the dumpling boy. How dare he suddenly speak out when it was not in his time to do so he thought.

Jin pulled out his gun and shot Xiumin in one blow, the rest of the boys flinched a little but didn't challenge the eldest in his furious state. If they did they to will have the same fate as Xiumin.

"We shall see what will happen next, as far as I know Lynn will probably deny everything Jungkook will confess to her" Jin shuts down his computer and fixes himself up.

He then began walking out of the mansion and into the dense forest. After much walking into the wilderness, he walked up the mossy stairs where they had buried their non biological father; a shrine was build just for him for he has kept this household into demonic land.

He took off his shoes and stepped in the polish black marbled floor and in the middle a red flat pillow was placed there for praying. And in front was their deceased father inside a white polish coffin still opened to see the full corps.

Jin kneeled to the floor bowing at his father. Once he was done he sat back up again and little a candle for the smell of death roamed the surface.

"My dear father I will not let you down, you have woken me to sending me messages about the corruption of this household, for as I shall not let that rotten leech girl of Jungkook cause this family chaos."

"Hear my words father do not worry, Jungkook..my little brother who I do not share the same blood with ..will once again rise up from the ground and be free from that devil girl and that putrid child of hers... they must be eliminated at all cost .. and I can guarantee you that Jungkook will finally see that his true self is to killer"

"And as for the others they too shall have no mercy on that vermin girl..especially V. Just give me time father, your children's will be back they way they used to be" he says.

After minutes of talking to his father he soon got off the ground dusting himself off. He then returns back to the mansion waiting patiently for the conclusion of Jungkook and Lynn.


While Lynn was still in slumber Jungkook woke up early making breakfast for her. It was the things he wanted to do with the person he loved, the person he missed every night, crying every night, she was a majestic creature to adore his whole life.

If it is her wife why could they both not remember each other? Why did Jin say she was dead when she was alive this whole time? There was so many questions for his hyung that he needed answers right away.

Twenty minutes later Lynn finally woke up as she headed straight to the Aleeya's room who was now active then ever, she picked her up taking her downstairs where she was surprised by Jungkook and the breakfast he prepared.

"Good morning princess did you sleep well?" He hugged her on the side still keeping the baby in her warmth.

She smiled slightly overwhelmed of the change of attitude, but other than starting an argument which there's no need to have one she smiled in joy.

"You made all this?" She ask looking all the delicious breakfast.

"Yups.. So dig in" he says taking a seat next to Aleeya. Breakfast was filled with nothing but chit chats here and there, laughing about anything they talked about. When breakfast was done Jungkook washed all the plates while he witness his loving Lynn care for their daughter.

The morning wasn't so silent as before, now that the baby is fine and well the whole condo filled the room of a very active child crawling around playing with her toys and dolls. Once it was feeding time she would take off half her shirt while she breast feeds the baby.

Singing lullabies and patting the baby's bottom gently she grinned in delight seeing her beautiful child in her arms.

Jungkook finally finishes his chores as he then took a break sitting on the couch still watching Lynn and Aleeya.

"Can I ask you something?" He says cutting to the chase. He wanted to know if she is his wife, his missing soulmate for all these years.

"Sure" she says without looking back.

"Where did you get your tattoo? The one on your wrist.."

Her smile begins to fade a little, when the baby was finally back to sleep she placed her gently on the cushion soft carpet floor coating her with a blanket.

"It's been such a long time now, I don't really remember where I got this. It was just inked on my wrist...nothing much too it .." She says looking at her tattoo.

Jungkook let out a small chuckle giving Lynn a bit confused as to what's so funny. He then rolled up his sleeves showing her the same tattoo which is inked 'King' with a crown on the top.

"Wh-how..what's going on?!" She yelled softly.

"Lynn ..I think your my wife and I'm your husband..this tattoo is the evidence that we were together for quite sometime now" he told her calmly.

Lynn was in a panic mode she couldn't believe what she was hearing, the fact that she has dated this guy years ago was an over whelming confession. She was shaking frantically as Jungkook tried to come closer to her.

With so much confusion consuming her body she immediately pushed him off running straight to her room shutting it lock.

Jungkook baffled at the event was also in dismay, not believing what was happening at this moment he needed answers right now. He rushed upstairs banging on the door yelling her name to come out of the room so they could talk it out.

"Lynn please talk to me! Let's talk it out!" He shouted.

"NO NO! There's nothing to talk about! I don't want to talk about it, this is stupid ..just let it go!" She cried out.

"Lynn your my wife! Just admit it!"

"How can I admit to something that never happened." She weeped even more.


"Wake up"
"Wake up now!"
"Wake up V"
"Please you have to wake up!"
"Jungkook is in trouble..go save him now!"

A voice ringed in my head, from time to time getting the same voice speaking to about the destruction that's about to come in our lives. But I never thought much about it because what exactly can I do to even fix the problem..nothing...simply nothing. I'm locked up in this white box room where there not a single escape route.

I just sit here waiting for someone to save me. Still waiting yet no one is reaching their hands to take me in.

Suddenly while I stare at the blank walls someone called my name, I turned around, but no one was in sight .. then a male voice ordering me to take a medicine that happened to be planted on the floor just centimeters away from me.

A black butterfly stood in front fluttering its wings making the pill move forward.

I didn't think much of it so i simply took the pill gulping it down. My eyes began to fade again and the only thing that was clear was viewing Jin hyung in front of me and that was it another darkness engulfed my visions.

"One down five more boys to go" Jin says putting the black pill in his pocket.

Just came back from camp, it was fun except for the hiking anything that made me sweat ..ew. But still fun. Anyways please comment & vote if you like this chapter:3 mahalo JELLYBUNNIES!!

*THE BABY CANT (crawl) babies tends to wiggle around, which is what I meant. Not actually crawl lol

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