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I've missed this side of Lynn my little badass wife but this side of her it's only temporary I guess since she's not like this most of the time, only now she's in her pissed of mode because of James ugly mother for insulting my wife.

"Lynn get off my mother!" Shouted James pushing her away.

I punched James instantly for touching her. Does he not understand the meaning of do not touch her awhile ago or is he simply deaf.

He fell to the floor while I pulled Lynn away from those weirdos.

"No let go of me Jungkook I wasn't finished with her! She has my Aleeya!" She struggles in my grasp.

I place her down cupping both of her cheeks wiping her tears trying to calm her down.

"Baby..calm down we'll find Aleeya soon. The cops are looking for her and if they quit I'll make them work even harder, day and night. I'll do anything to get our daughter back but for now you need to calm down" I told her.

She trembles in fear probably thinking of negative things about our daughter. I hugged her tightly while caressing her back.

"C'mon let's go inside" I told her.

She only furrows her brows bumping her shoulders on my arm running back to the mansion.

I watched Lynn enter the bedroom. She walked nonchalantly walking pass a picture of Aleeya, staring at it for about quite awhile till she regain back to reality. With not much left to do but play the waiting game she climbed on bed facing the window as she placed the blankets on her body drifting off to sleep.

Hopefully she can get some rest while I called all my men to find my daughter. I didn't care if the men's are tired and grumpy if they want to get paid extra they need to follow my orders, I don't care how long It'll take all I want is my daughter to be safe and Lynn to finally be happy again.

I grabbed a glass of water gulping it down. The door bursted open finally having the guys back home from their busy jobs.

"Hey Maknae how's your day" says Jimin.

"Aleeya is missing" I said cutting to the chase.

Shocked not knowing what to say I explain to them what had occurred. There were fingers pointing at the Makato's yet we don't have any solid proof that they've taken my kid, but then again it's not a harm in searching their home.

With that said we ran out barging back to the Makato family, hoping this time they would open up their home.

James opened the door with a pissed off expression. He got a bruise eye on his left side and his lips slightly cut.

That is what happens when he lays a finger on my girl.

"What is it Mr.Jeon..we told you we don't have your child" he says annoyingly.

"Okays but we'd like to search your home if that's okay with you" I said.

"Of course you can" he says opening the door wider.

V bumps James shoulder giving him a glare as my spy enters their home. I entered their home along with the rest of the guys behind my back. They scattered around the area and everywhere we search even the smallest place we could find and abandoned rooms there was simply no proof that they'd took my daughter.

They didn't have her unless they're good in hiding her.

After much hours of scanning the entire home I grew irritated and tired that not a single clue was coming out. If these idiots didn't take my daughter then who the fuck did and why?

"Just because you say she's not here is completely lies..she's here and you have her. And if you do bring her back or else ..." I warned stepping out of their filthy home.

"Well I hope you find Aleeya..." He says waving his hands.


It's been three days now and still no sign of my daughter. The more I promise Lynn the more it grew too much for her to keep.

She'd weep every hour of the day, no energy in her body to even cook a decent meal. Lea and Ailee would try to comfort her and as much as possible, she appreciates all the love and support she receives it wasn't enough to make her smile tho.

Whenever I get close to her she refuse to be touch, but even if she's not in the mood for love right now I still embrace her in my arms whispering to her that everything is okay.

"I just really want her back" she cries in my arms.

"She'll come back I know she will" I told her.


While everyone was at work, I stayed home. I didn't feel like even going to work. It's simply the worst feeling of a mother that lost her daughter in this tragic week.

I couldn't eat or sleep let alone do anything to make myself feel better. All I cared about was seeing my precious child in my arms again, to feel her warmth, her soft cotton skin and her beautiful face that lights up my world.

Don't get me wrong I love both my twins as well and I'm very happy that they exist in my life but Aleeya she's my missing puzzle in my heart. Without my little bundle of joy my heart isn't complete.

I just pray that she's alive and that wherever she is she's doing well and is safe.

"Lynn" a soft voice appeared out of know where and with that I freaked out not knowing what I should do. I gasp when I turned around to see James in my bedroom hands in his pocket simply staring at me as if I was some kind of food.

I immediately stood up from my bed backing myself hitting the cold walls.

He stepped closer.

"St-stay away from me! Wh-..how did you even get here! The door was lock!" I shouted my voice was now cracking and hoarse.

"I just came by to see if your doing well. And the door wasn't lock it was unlock sweetie" he smiles that creepy grin he always has on.

"Leave! I don't want you here..EVER!" I shouted in panic.

He stepped closer and closer till he was centimeters away from me. With no where to go he took the advantage to walk up in front of me now hovering above.

Pushing him away didn't work, he held onto my wrist tightly as he glares into my eyes and smiled.

"J-James let me go!" I struggled some more.

"I can't Lynn! Now that we're alone and away from that Jungkook guy I can finally have you to myself! It's been too long! I've missed you so much, I couldn't help but smile and jump in joy knowing that you would be my neighbor! This is fate Lynn don't you get it! We were meant to be! We have to be together *HAHAHAHA* I can't let you go Lynn! I simply can't! Fuck no..I'll never let Jungkook have you!" He cackles hysterically in a crazy way.

"James! I've never liked you, I never loved you! So please leave me the hell alone you fucking creep!" I yelled as I kicked him in on shin.

Hello JELLYBUNNIES? How was y'all Christmas? Mine was good but I prefer Christmas in Philippines instead hehe. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you soon again ^^

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