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When I saw her with V my heart just declined for a second, seeing her holding onto her kids with V made me jealous. I mean I don't mind Lynn having to see her other children but I do mind that if she sees them too much, Lynn might be spending a bit too much time with V.

I don't want my kids thinking that Lynn chose the other two over them.

It's like how I have a child with Areum but I don't even talk to her that much just as friends, but I cant ignore the fact that Areum is the mother of my other child, though I'm not going to be socializing with her anytime of that matter.

When I mention they look good together, honestly they don't. Lynn belongs to me and Areum belongs to V so I hope V doesn't do anything to Lynn. Though I do feel like he has a bit slight feelings for her, yet again I hope not because I don't want to have to fight over the same girl like last time.

We even swore not to get in each other's way for the sake of the two girls that we love, and I promise Lynn I won't cheat on her and she won't do the same ..then again things can change.

It was 2:00am, I can't seem to sleep and I don't know why. I have too many things on my mind lately. I slowly got off from the bed, shifting my gaze at Lynn who is already fast asleep. I then sneaked quietly out of the room and into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge to get a bottle of whine and poured it in a glass as I took a seat on the stool chair.

Glass after glass I pretty much drank it all till the bottle was empty. I really became paranoid in just one day ..just seeing the two together didn't make me smile one bit. I trust V Hyung that he'll protect her ..but you can only go far in protecting that one special person.

Maybe I'm just in over my head, it's not like Lynn will go back to V, she has me in the first place. Yeah...I'm just being delusional right now.

I chuckled just thinking about it. When I was about to step down the door bell ranged. We don't let visitors come here unless we know them and let them know where we are, which I wonder why someone would want to come up to a place where killers live.

The bell kept on going, with my patience running thin I made my way to the door opening it slightly. In my view was a simple girl with light brown straight hair still in her school uniform, she held her body shivering in my doorstep, I then notice that it was raining this whole time.

"Uhm..can I help you" I said scanning her figure. I gulped a bit realizing she's soaked wet and her bra is showing.

I shook my head sighing deeply taking my mind of her body earlier and thought of something else.

"Uhm..I was wondering if I I could stay here for tonight. I I ran away from home a-and I walked..a-and I j-just saw this pl-"

I fully open the door, she looked at me a bit surprise. "Well are you going to come in or not" I told her.

She smiled shyly and entered my chaotic home.

"Come with me, you need to be cleaned" I said walking up the stairs as she trails after me.

Placing both hands in my pocket as I take few glances at her, she was in awe at how big the place was.

"What's your name?" Curiously ask.

"Arisa Miyamoto" she says.

I stopped in my tracks maneuvering my body to face her. "Arisa? As in Mr.Miyamoto clumsy daughter Arisa?" I said.

"I'm not clumsy and how do you know my father?" She says in a pout.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook? My father and your father are business partners before..if you don't remember I used to babysit this annoying clumsy kid that won't leave me the fuck alone." I said.

She was spacing out or probably dwelling on the past. She then snapped her fingers looking back at me.

"Ohh I remember now, your that kid that always push other people around." She chuckles.

"But even if you were mean you were nice to me. When someone bullied me you'd be there to save me from them..I don't know how I can repay you." She says.

"Well you can start by going home tomorrow, I'll call your father in the morning. My wife won't be happy that I let a girl in the house as well" I told her starting to walk to the guest room.

I then felt a hand grip my arm and I look back to see her pleading eyes. I yanked my arm off her as she pouts again.

"Aw c'mon oppa can you like let me stay for a week till I find a place of my own? I really don't want to go back home .." She says her head low.

I tilt my head slightly and ask her why she won't go back home. Did she do something that bad for her not wanting to go back.

"Well explain"

She sigh in defeat knowing that I won't let her move unless she tells me her story.

"Well I got into a fight with this girl and then I got suspended ...my father doesn't know about it and I'm pretty sure he's searching for me right now yet I don't want to since he'll hurt me if he finds out" she mumbles the whole sentence and I just had to lean in just to hear her speak.

"Okays Okays I'll let you stay ..but if my wife sees you around I'm dead and so are you" I warned her.

"No worries I'll stay out of your way.." She said.

As I turn my way to see Lea wide awake but yawned couple of times as she adjusted her eyesight.

"Daddy who's that" she spoke in her sweet voice.

I approached her picking her up as she lays her head on my shoulder while i pat her back. "She's just a friend Lea nothing more" I told her.

"Omg is she your daughter? Oh gosh she's so cute" Arisa smiles.

"I'd like to stitch that pretty little smile of yours lady" Lea whispers in a giggle.

Arisa only laughed at Lea's comment she then made an 'Ah' sound "I have voodoo doll in my bag ..you wanna play with it tomorrow?" She smiles.
See you next time JELLYBUNNIES :3

Psychopath IV •• J.J.K    [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now