Chapter 3

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"Waa, i can't believe we'd meet again!" Said Taehyung, the always-so-happy boy.

I chuckled at his behaviour. "Yeah, and we're partners in class too," i added.

"Daebak! Ah, by the way... Come here Jiminnie. This is Hyera. Hyera, Jimin," Taehyung called the dark haired boy and introduced both of us. I smiled at Jimin, earning myself a smile too.

We chatted for a while and a sudden silence filled the gap between us three.

"So, does Jungkook study here too?" I asked to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah he does,"

"But he's two years younger," Jimin added to Taehyung's respond.

The bell rang and students started to walk into the class. The teacher came in and class begins.


We had free period as the subject teacher called for an emergency leave. It was only an hour before school ends. Then suddenly, our history teacher came in.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your free period. But as for the assignment i gave you the other day, i would like to make a few changes to it. Your class had an increase in the number of students to 32, so i would like this assignment to be a pair work," she explained. Everyone in class had eyes all over the room, making eye contact with their desired partners.

"As for the pairs, i'd like you to pair up with the person who's sitting beside you. It's easier to work like that." She continued and everyone sighed.

"That's all, i hope you all would do great on this assignment," she added before walking out of the class.

I turned to look at Taehyung and he did the same. Both of our faces were kind of blank.

"Could you brief me about the assignment?" I asked because the assignment was given a few days before and i just came in today.

"No," he said, shaking his head but still looked blank. "Because I don't even know what to do..." He added and i can't help to hide my smile.

"How about you ask Jimin, and I ask Sunhi?" I suggested.

"But Sunhi is sitting beside Jimin. Does that mean we're making this assignment a four people work?"

"That could be a great idea but i'm sure we're not allowed to do that. It doesn't hurt to ask, right?"

"My leg hurts? I'll have to walk all the way to his place and get nothing in return because he's just as clueless as i am..." I chuckled at his respond and facial expression.

What is this boy and his blank face?

"Ask him on the phone you lazy ass," i said, earning a smile from him and walked away.

"I'll try."

Stardust // Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now