Chapter 28

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Since the incident two days ago, my relationship with Taehyung has gotten back to normal. But there's one thing bothering me, what has happened to Sunhi?

She's been missing for two days. She didn't come to school, she didn't pick her calls up.. I'm worried. Despite all the things she did to me the other day, i still consider her my bestfriend.

Jimin, Taehyung and I spent the evening at the cafe, completing our notes as usual.

"I wonder what happened to Sunhi," i broke the silence.

"She's calming herself down and reflecting what she did to you the other day. She'll be okay."

Taehyung gave me an assuring smile before continuing his work.

"Let's visit her tomorrow, after school?"

"Sounds cool. Alright."

A couple of hours passed and it's time to take our leave. They usually walk me home before making their ways to the studio, but Jimin took his leave first leaving only Taehyung to accompany me home.

"Does Jimin look weird to you these few days?"

"A little bit.. He hasn't talked to you about it?"

"About what?"

"What's bothering him.."

"No, not really. He's doing well in practice tho, so i don't know.."

We left the conversation hanging as we arrived at my house. Mom and dad both are out of the country, again. But this time they didn't bring Hyesun along.

"Oppa!" She squaled as she saw Taehyung entering the house.

"Hyesun-ah!" He squats and Hyesun crashed in his embrace. He picked her up and swung her around, making her chuckle.

"Ah, you're here too. Stay for dinner, i prepared a cool recipe for you guys" Yoongi said as he walked down the stairs.

"Hyung, cool as in frozen food? Or-"

"Yah, by cool i mean awesome you idiot" he rolls his eyes and walk away, leaving us in the living room.

"I'm going to clean myself, bye" i picked my bag up and was about to climb up the stairs when Yoongi shouted from the kitchen, "Make yourself at home, V-ah. By that i mean go clean yourself up too, you smell real bad!"

Taehyung's annoyed look plastered on his face making me chuckle. He picked his bag up and we went upstairs together.

"Hye- nevermind"

"Whaaaatt tell meeee"

"Uh nothing. Its just that... You smell"

I hit his arm real hard but i don't know why he's laughing.


This oppa.

Both of us replied him and went separate ways.

Jimin's POV

Where has she been?

Is she okay?

Here i am, right in front of Sunhi's house.

Weird, the whole house is dark but there's faint light coming from her room. Her car's there, so i assume she's home.

"Sunhi-ah!" I shouted as i pressed the bell. Twice, thrice. Still no answer.

The night's getting later, but still no respond from her. I must have been crazy, but i'm climbing in. Let's just hope nobody sees me or i'll be a suspect of attempted robbery.

I slowly walk to the front door to check if its locked and it's surprisingly not. I opened the door and heard faint sobs. I climbed up the stairs and the sobs got louder and clearer. It's from her room.

I peeked through the door which she didn't shut tightly. She's at her study table and i could only see her from the side. Her left arm is on the table, she's crying hard. And a few seconds later, it all make sense to me.

She moves her right arm making it nearer to her lefts. I can see a shiny, sharp blade in her hand.

She's too busy with her thoughts, she didn't even notice me coming in.

"Don't do it," i said as I hugged her from her back.

"I'm sorry if i was too harsh to you the other day. I didn't mean to, but i didn't expect you to be that way to your friend. I'm not saying that i like Hyera.. She's a great friend. And my friend loves her. I couldn't imagine how Taehyung would act if anything bad happens to her. He made himself suffer for months and I can't stand it. I'm sorry, Sunhi-ah. Please don't do it anymore."

I placed my head on her shoulder and tighten the hug. Her sobs got louder and out of control. She drops the blade and made herself stand. I unwrap my hand around her, but she hugs me as soon as she got up. I'm hugging her tight, making her feel safe.

It lasted for a few minutes, until she has calmed down. I made her sit on the bed and wait for me while i search for the first-aid kit.

"Arm," i said as i sat beside her. She slowly uncover her arm and placed it on my lap. I cleaned the wound, applied antiseptic and cover it up with a bandage. We were silent throughout the whole process.

"You'll be okay?"

She nods.

"Call me if you want anything."

She nods again.

"Don't do anything stupid anymore. This is a warning"

She nods, but this time with a small smile on her face.

"I'm leaving, goodnight."



"Thank you... For everything."

We stared into each other's eyes for a moment before i take my leave.

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