Chapter 13

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Yoongi's POV

From: Alien Taehyung
Hyung, would you mind taking Hyera somewhere far tomorrow?

What does this alien want now..

To: Alien Taehyung
Why? How about school? Tomorrow's the last day that you two can get the assignment done, right??

From: Alien Taehyung
Yeah... But it's kind of urgent. Something came up and i need you to get her away from it..

What in the world is he talking about? Oh, wait..

To: Alien Taehyung
Are you getting yourself into a fight? Idiot. You know you're going to get in big trouble if you do so. Remember what happened the last time? Who is it with this time?

From: Alien Taehyung
Hyung, no. Not that but I just needed her away tomorrow.. Please?

To: Alien Taehyung
Alright, we'll discuss later on when I get back.

From: Alien Taehyung

What an alien. I wonder what's up with him and what's going to happen tomorrow..

Hyera's POV

Yoongi and I left for Daegu after dropping Taehyung off in front of his house.

I've never been there before, he didn't even mention about his house to me.. Not even once. He lives in the area where most of the rich kids come from. I don't know if I should call it a house or a mansion, it's huuuuuuuge!! Yoongi said that Taehyung lives alone because his parents often goes outstation for business, like ours.

Daegu is where our grandparents' house is. It takes usually 3 hours from seoul, but Yoongi is driving and his songs is played on the player. We made a few stops too, so basically it took us 4 hours and we arrived at halmeoni's house around 5am.

It's been a long time since I visited my grandparents. Unlike Yoongi, he comes here whenever he gets a day off before we moved back to korea. It's great to see both halmeoni and harabeoji living healthy and happy.

We spent practically the whole day there and only made our way back to seoul in the evening.

"Oh my god, we'll probably reach there at midnight,"

"Then, what's the problem?"

"The assignment...."

"Didn't you get those finished yesterday?"

"Taehyung and I both got tired and left the last part of it to be done today, but.."

"Aish, you kids. Wear you seatbelt."

Yoongi drove like a madman. He hit almost all the traffic lights and we arrived in Seoul an hour earlier. As we got into the neighborhood, he took his phone out and called someone.

"Are you guys still at the studio? Cool. Send V down, I'm on my way."

"Who did you-"

"Namjoon. I'm picking Taehyung up and you kids should get your assignment done tonight or you'll get trouble tomorrow."

I stayed silent along the way to the studio and even when Taehyung already got into the car.


"There! Done! Aish, we should've get this done yesterday and we wouldn't have to work on it in such short period. We might left out some important facts," I nagged at Taehyung as we finally got out work done.

He's already half awake. Still exhausted from all those practice he had today, poor little alien.

Yoongi walked into the kitchen, with his phone in his hand and sat beside me.

"All done? Good, go to bed now princess. I need to talk to Taehyung for a while."

I nod and sheepishly gather all the stuff scattered on the table and walk up to my room. But I forgot to take my phone that i left on the kitchen counter. i was walking down when i heard their conversation.

"Did you get the things done at school with Mr Shin?" Yoongi asked Taehyung, still not looking up from his phone.

"Yeah.. He said we're good to go,"

"Did you tell Hyera about it?" He locked his phone and look at Taehyung.

"No, did you?"

"Nope. I'll tell her before we go."

What are they talking about? Where are they going? Is Taehyung changing schools? But how about oppa? Where is he going? What are they hiding from me? Ugh, all this questions!

I didn't want them to know that i evesdrop on them, so i made my way to my room without even bothering to take my phone.

The next day i woke up and get myself ready for school. Yoongi is sending me today. We had breakfast and left the house.

I unlocked my phone to see the wallpaper changed. It's a picture of Taehyung, his selca. I checked my photo library and to my surprise, it's filled with his selca! When did he have the time to do this?

I chuckled and locked my phone, leaving the wallpaper unchanged.


We sent in our assignments today. I felt a ton of burden left my shoulders. The teacher exited the room and class has gone wild. Girls gossiping, boys playing and then there's me and Taehyung doing practically nothing.

I was about to start a conversation when Iljoo suddenly showed up beside me. I saw Taehyung flash his disgusted look at Iljoo before he takes his phone out and played games.

"Hyera-ssi, since we've all sent in our assignment, should we go out after school today?"

His eyes spark in excitement when he asked me out. And I don't see any harm of going out with him. I immediately say yes and we agreed to meet at the school gate after the last bell.

After Iljoo left, Jimin came to our place and brought his chair along. Taehyung finally looks up from his phone and we chatted.

But, this Taehyung isn't the Taehyung that I first met when i got lost the other day. This Taehyung is very cold and he keeps a smug on his face, even when talking with Jimin. He fake laughs almost everytime Jimin made a joke.

The last bell rang, Taehyung bolts up and exited the room without saying a word to me.

As if he's as confused as i am, Jimin came to me.

"What's wrong with him?" He said as he sits at Taehyung's place.

"I don't know what's into him these last few days.. he's been different,"

"Very different. Well, I heard that you're going out with Iljoo later. You better go now, it's not okay to make someone wait for you, you know?" He stood up and smiled at me.

"Thank you, Jimin. Talk to you later!" I said as i exited the room.

Jimin is a nice guy. He's been very close friends with Taehyung since, i don't know. Seems like years. If I were to be Taehyung, I'd be happy to have a friend like him too.

Whilst talking to Jimin earlier, what i didn't realise is someone watching us from afar and made jealousy rise in her at once.

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