Chapter 12

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"Uh, hi Iljoo. No, it still have a couple of parts to be done. We might be getting it done tonight."

I looked at Taehyung but he's staring at Iljoo. He looks scary.

What is he thinking?

"Oh, well. Hopefully we can go out together tomor-"

"She can't."

Iljoo and I both looked at Taehyung, who is now playing games on his phone.

"Her brother is taking her elsewhere tomorrow," He continued.

Yoongi is taking me.. Elsewhere? Is it even true?

"Oh," Iljoo looked at Taehyung and then at me. "Sorry, I have to go now. Bye!"

Iljoo exited the room. I guess he, too, feels uncomfortable with Taehyung.

"Where is Yoongi taking me tomorrow?"

"You should ask him that question yourself. Let's go," he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room.


"I'm hungry," i said after a few minutes working on our assignment.

Since Suga is not going to be home till god knows when, we don't really have anyone to cook.

"Do you have ramyeon?"

"I don't know. You go see yourself."

Taehyung stood up and walked over to the kitchen. He opened every cupboards and eventually found ramyeon in one of them.

"You want some?"

"Hm. Sure."

"Okay, then you cook." He said and sat back at his place, taking the laptop away from me.

"What if i say i don't want to?"

"Then, you'll still have to cook for me."




I squealed in both excitement and relief. We're finally getting this work done!! We've been working on it for hours and I'm pretty much tired. But one last part and all those energy and time won't be a waste.

"Yah, let's stop here. We can continue tomorrow. I know you're tired."

"But there's just one part left..."

"No, we'll stop here. You have to wake up early tomorrow. You have a trip with Yoongi, remember?" He said that last word with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, right."

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I was about to climb up the stairs to my room before I feel an arm slide through my sides. I froze at that very moment.

Taehyung is back-hugging me.

"I'm sorry to make you mad but i'm really tired." He said next to my ear.

"Don't forget to lock the door," he added before letting me go and grabbed his jacket and backpack.

"I'm going home now, have fun tomorrow!"

"Um... Okay." I turned and awkwardly waved at him.

"Why? You want me to stay a little longer?"

I stared at him who's also staring at me. After what happened today, I kinda hoped that he'd stay for another night.

"You like me, don't you Hyera?"

"No I don't!"

He smirked.

"Well then, it won't hurt to stay till Yoongi returns, right?"

He put his bag and jacket at the side before flopping on the sofa. He turned the tv on and I joined him.



I was awakened by Yoongi, shouting at both me and Taehyung. I opened my eyes slightly and looked around.

My head is on Taehyung's shoulder and his arm is circling me. Oh my god. How did we end up sleeping like this?

"Uh what time is it?" Taehyung asked, still with his eyes closed.

He doesn't seem bothered at all.

"Its 12 fUcking midnight and-" Suga pulled me up and made me stand beside him. "You, go take a shower and pack your stuff."

Pack my stuff? Where are we going at this time of the night?

"We're going to Daegu," he added as if he knows what i'm thinking.

I left him and sleeping Taehyung there and went upstairs to get myself ready.

Taehyung's POV

"Hyera-ssi, aren't you hungry? We only ate ramye-"

I turned my head from the tv to look at her and found myself a sleeping Hyera. Gosh, her neck must've hurt sleeping like that.

I was just watching her sleep for a few moments before she started mumbling and shivering. She shifted, making her head fall to the side. Luckily I caught her head and placed it on my shoulder. She was still shivering when it happened.

You're so cute when you sleep.

I circled my arms over her shoulder and pulled her closer. I hope the warmth from my body could make her sleep calmly.

I was in a middle of watching a variety show when i dozed off to sleep.


"Hyung, it's not what you think it is,"

"Oh yeah? So what is it then?"

This hyung, is so annoying. When he's mad, the world could turn upside down. But it's nice when he's in a good mood.

I explained to him what happened earlier. His expression softens when i finished explaining.

"Do you like her, Taehyung?"

I've been trying to avoid that question from him. I guess i failed. But he's a guy, he should know the symptoms of a boy in love.


"You better not. I have too much swag to handle both of you," he said, leaving me speechless and walked away.

"Um, i'll go home now." I took my jacket and bag then head to the door.

"I'll drop you off at your house later, stay for a while. You kids didn't eat, right?"


"Ramyeon's not good enough. I'll cook up something. You should take a shower, the smell is getting out of control," he joked but his face doesn't look like he's joking.

This hyung...

I was about to head inside Suga's room when i heard Hyera calling me.



"How did.... That..... Happen?" She asked, referring to the little scene Suga made.


I swallowed my saliva, hard.

"Y-Your head was going to fall to sides... so i placed it on my shoulder. But i don't know how my arm got in that position," i lied.

But the head part was true, right?

"Oh, umm."

A loud, awkward, silence filled the air.

"Thank you.. You should go shower now. The smell's getting worst," she chuckled.

Wow. They are siblings after all! What did i do to have such feelings towards Suga hyung's dongsaeng..?


"Alright," and we went our ways.

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