Chapter 7

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The deadline for the assignment is coming close as it's already another Friday. Taehyung have been busy with practice and he's been sleeping in class. We've only done 1/10 of it.

We're so gonna fail.

Anyhow, I said my goodbyes to Sunhi as her driver has already arrived. I was about to cross the street when i heard my name being called. I looked at the direction where the voice came from and found my brother leaning on his car, waving at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as i get closer to him.

"To pick you up," he opened the door for me to get in.

"But why?"

"I'll tell you on the way, get in princess."

And i did.

"Taehyung told you about Sunhi being fetched by her driver everyday isn't it?"

"No, but really? Waa, she must be loved so much by her parents!"

"So my parents don't love me huh?" I said, trying to make it sound sad as possible.

"Yah, that's not what i mean. Mom and dad loves you very much, okay?" He took a left turn and continued, "so do you want me to fetch you everyday, too?"

"No!!! That sounds good but no thanks. I can walk home." I said hiding a smile. Which reminds me..

"Yah, where are we going?" I remembered why i'm in this car with him.

"We're heading to the dance studio. Taehyung told me that you two are working on an assignment that needs to be sent in on Thursday."

I stared blankly at him as he makes another turn.

"Since our debut is getting nearer as well, we'll have to work till late at night and Taehyung would probably sleep in class all day. So he asked me to bring you here so you two can work on it when we're resting," he explained.

"Also, i don't want my little sister to get in trouble for not having homework done when the real blame is the alien."

I tried to process his words but it all just doesn't make sense. Jimin and Sunhi are working fine, though. My mind was floating into space when he stopped the car.

"We're here"


"Waaaaaa, you're here!" Taehyung said as we entered the studio.

"I'm very sorry for making it hard for us to work on the assignment but we'll get it done right away!!!" He added excitedly as he raised his arms, making it look like he's flying like Superman.

Suga's been helping us with the assignment. One by one of the members came into the studio and asked "who?" And for each question asked, Yoongi answered "my sister."

Jimin and Jungkook came in and both were surprised to see me there. We only get to chat for a few moments when the leader, Rap Monster or he said i can call him by his real name, Namjoon, called them to start practicing.

With the ideas given by both Suga and Taehyung, i tried to elaborate it whilst they're practicing. After half an hour, the boys all gathered around me. I looked at them one by one.

"We're gonna help you with this assignment," Namjoon said.

"That's not fair!!" Jimin shouted from the back and laughed afterwards. "Okay okay sorry."

So we all sat in a circle on the floor, elaborating ideas and jotting them down. We got 1/3 of the work done before they had to practice again, for the last time today.

I packed all my stuff as I thought the work can be continued tomorrow and i still have the weekends to work on.

I sat at the corner of the room, admiring them.


"Can you come by again tomorrow?" Taehyung asked as we got to the car.


"Yeah, come by again tomorrow. I'll wake you first thing in the morning," Yoongi said as he turned the car engine on.

I thought hard. Should I? But Yoongi said morning and tomorrow's a Saturday. When will I get my beauty sleep if it's not on Saturdays?!


Well, nothing would go wrong.. I guess? We could finish the assignment by tomorrow??

Both Suga and Taehyung smiled at my response.

Before Suga and i left that evening, I thanked the boys for helping and got very warm hugs in return.

"We're happy to help you," Jin said and waved at us before we left.

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