Chapter 4

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It's Friday and I just got back home from school. School has been good. It feels like it was just yesterday that I started going to school and discovered that i'm sitting with Taehyung in class.

Taehyung is a sweet guy. He'd walk me home when he have the time. It's only been twice. The first was because he didn't want me to get lost on my way back and the second was because he said he'd just want to accompany me for fun.

Some of the students at school have a sports event and they have to be at school until 4. Taehyung is participating along with Jimin and Jungkook.

I had a bath and was about to flop on my bed when my phone rang and on the screen, Taehyungs name appeared.

"Hello," I said as I answered the call and put it on the dock and automatically putting the call on speaker.

I can hear him pant before he started talking. "Did you get home safe?"

"Yeah," I paused as he's still taking his breath. "Why'd you ask?"

"Good. Because I'm in front of your house. I wanted to get ice cream, but a wild dog appeared out of nowhere and chased me. I lost the dog, I think." He said, still taking his breath and sounding quite scared.

"Wait up. I got another call," I said before I put him on hold and answered the other call. It's Sunhi. I talked to her while dressing and drying my hair up. I grabbed my phone from the dock and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

Opened up the fridge and grabbed two sticks of ice cream that I bought last night for Hyesun, my sister. I then unlock the doors and went out to see Taehyung sitting outside my gate, playing games on his phone.

"Sunhi-ah, I'll call you back later. I have a guest," I gave the ice cream to Taehyung who's now looking up at me.

"Alright. Thank you Sunhi-ah. Bye," the call ended and I kept my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants.

"Since you were supposed to get ice cream," I tear the ice cream wrapping off and bit it. I turned to face Taehyung, he smiled and took his turn to get a taste of the ice cream too.

We had a chat while enjoying our ice creams. A sudden silence came between us.

"Did you have lunch already?"

I was about to answer when he continued.

"I didn't because I wanted ice cream. But now that I had ice cream, I'm really hungry for something heavier."

Which reminds me, I haven't had lunch yet. As if on cue, my stomach made a grumbling sound and i flushed in embarrassment. He turned his head to look at me and slightly smile.

"Let's go get something to eat. It's on me," he stood up and offered his hand to help me stand.

"Okay! Since you're paying, i want something delicious. You do know delicious food are usually expensive but, you're paying. So.. Let's go!!!"

I was walking ahead of him. I turned my body around, walking backwards. He flashed me his wicked box-ish smile before catching up and walk beside me.


"Waa, i'm stuffed!" I said whilst exiting the restaurant. Taehyung only appeared seconds after.

"Not all good food are expensive," he said and we continued walking home.

When arrived at the corner of the street to my house, a car other than may dad's is parked on the side. It looks familiar.

"Wah, just in time. You're parents are home!" Taehyung said.

We walked closer and and saw a not-so-tall figure out at the garden, he's holding my sister and looks like he's talking to her about the flowers. I left Taehyung and went in to see who the man is.

"Unnie!" Hyesun turned and left the man. She ran towards me and hugged my leg. He turned his head to face me and to my surprise, it's someone who i've missed so much. Someone who stood by my side through my hardships in life. My brother-

"Suga hyung!"

Taehyung exclaimed, sending shocked vibes through my body.

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