Chapter 27

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"Hyera-ah, eat up. I want to show you something later."

Didn't i say i'll give her a week? It's been a week and from what i see, she's getting closer and closer to Jimin.

I can't let this happen.

She's going to regret as soon as we get to the back of the school, where nobody bothers to go.

Luring you is as easy as pie, Hyera-ah.

Jimin's POV

The recess bell just rang and Hyera went somewhere with Sunhi. I was just calmly keeping my stuff back into my bag when i felt a presence beside me.


I look up at him and smiled before making myself stand.

"A-are you and Hyera..."

He paused and stared at the wall behind me. Searching for words, I suppose?


"Taehyung-ah," I looked at him, still smiling. He's finally getting it. "I'm not the type of friend to do that. You know you can trust me, don't you?"

"But you two... You two look so close together.. It seems to look like you are having something with h-"

"No, V. I'm just taking care of her for you. Like how i took care of you, like how a chingu cares for their chingus."

We stared at each other for a whole minute before i pulled him in for a manly hug, if that's even a real thing.

"I'll stop treating her this way. 3 months is too much for me to handle."

Since there's a few minutes of recess left, we decided to walk around the school and talk about what he should know about Hyera. Sure, we meet each other everyday for rehearsals and stuff, but it's different. We're closer than how we used to be.

As we walked near the back of the school building, a familiar voice can be heard.

"Taehyung-ah, i heard voices. Let's go check it out."

He looked at me, sleepy eyed and nod.

Hyera's POV

"What is it that you want to show me? Better hurry because recess is ending soon," I said as we got to the empty space behind the school building.


I looked at Sunhi but she doesn't look like the Sunhi I've known. This one's.... Scary.

I stared at her and remained silent.

"What is it with you and boys? Is one not enough for you?"

"I don't understand...."

"First you played around with Taehyung. Then you got involved with that psycho, Iljoo. Now, Jimin? My Park Jimin?"

I looked at her, confused with what she just said.

Her Park Jimin? She likes Jimin? Since when?

"Is it that hard for you to just stick to one person? Or is it that hard for you to get your hands off of other people's belongings?"

"We're just friends, Sunhi-ah. Nothing more."


She smirks and started to laugh.

"Friends huh? Friends with a boy who comforts you when you're sad or scared? Friends with a boy who stayed and took care of you in the hospital and even tried to kiss you? I'm not stupid, Min Hyera. You freaking stole my man and you still act innocent?! How dare you!"

She lifted her hand high and aimed to slap on my face. But as her hand almost touched me, a strong hand stopped hers.

"Stop it, Sunhi-ah"

A very familiar voice, the voice i longed for..


Me, teary eyed, lifted my head up to look at the figure who i've missed so much. His expression, serious and not amused with the situation at all. He shot a glance at me before turning his gaze at Sunhi.

"You're in senior year now, Sunhi-ah. Why solve problems this way when you can discuss slowly and peacefully with each other? I know i'm nobody to interfere, but this doesn't solve anything."

Taehyung let go of Sunhi's hand and faced me. He inspected my face looking for any cuts or bruises, like the nurse he was when i injure myself from shoelaces.

"Don't tell Yoongi about this," i whispered and he simply nod.

Jimin on the other hand, remained quiet after the whole scene.

The bell rang marking the end of recess.

"Come, let's go back to class."

Taehyung held me by my waist, supporting me and made our way back to class, leaving frozen Sunhi and Jimin alone.


School is almost at an end, but Sunhi is nowhere to be found. Jimin came in a few minutes after Taehyung and I, but not Sunhi.

Why is she acting this way? The Sunhi i know (or knew) was far different from this one. I'm afraid she'll get too hurt and probably will start doing stupid things.

A slight pang was felt as the realization kicks in.

I'm worried if she'll return to that path again. She may be left that path behind, but it's not possible to have her starting again. The path that I was once involved too, and regrets after a few moments.

The path of darkness, blades and a hell lot of blood.

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